Saturday, 22 June 2019

Vivi's Leading Man

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Durango Street Theatre, Book 1
Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group
Published: April 2019

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The marriage was one of convenience. She had status and he had money. But... there was something there, and both of them felt it. After three years of him working long hours and her spending too much time at the Durango Street Theatre, Miguel Abonce and Vivienne Heiser called it quits. One year later, they are forced to work together to save or sell the theater. In the process they discover things they never knew about each other and they learn there's more between them than burning up the sheets. They might really love each other after all.

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About the Author

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The author of over thirty romance novels, Emily Mims combined her writing career with a career in public education until leaving the classroom to write full time. The mother of two sons, she and her husband split their time between central Texas, eastern Tennessee, and Georgia visiting their kids and grandchildren. For relaxation, Emily plays the piano, organ, dulcimer, and ukulele for two different performing groups, and even sings a little. She says, “I love to write romances because I believe in them. Romance happened to me and it can happen to any woman—if she’ll just let it.”

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Thursday, 20 June 2019


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Crime Fiction
Publisher: Black Opal Books
Published: March 2018

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Aldo is a mystery/thriller/love story in which a brilliant and dangerous ideologue attempts to eliminate a university’s genetics institute by holding the university’s president hostage.

On the same day that Isabel Canto, associate director of Pembrook Atlantic University’s Institute for Genome Modification, discovers she is pregnant with IGM post-doc Frank Marks’s baby, Pembrook Atlantic University’s president Mary Ellen Mackin receives a letter from “Aldo” threatening harm if she does not dissolve the institute and fire its director. Isabel recommends that Mackin refuse and not allow a terrorist to dictate what her faculty and students can research and discover, but this advice unwittingly sets off a chain of events that will change many lives forever—including hers.

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About the Author

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Since graduating from Pomona College in 1968, Betty Jean Craige has been a teacher, scholar, translator, columnist, and mystery writer. She retired from the University of Georgia in 2011 as University Professor of Comparative Literature and Director of the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts. After retiring she published a Sunday column in the local paper about animal behavior titled “Cosmo Talks” and a book titled Conversations with Cosmo: At Home with an African Gray Parrot. Then she began writing fiction. Her Witherston Murder Mystery series, set in north Georgia, includes Downstream, Fairfield’s Auction (First Place in Chanticleer Book Awards’ category of Mystery and Mayhem), Dam Witherston (Honorable Mention in the 2017 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards for Mystery, and Distinguished Favorite in 2018 Independent Press Awards), and Chieftains in Witherston (scheduled to be published in 2019). A suspense novel, Aldo, came out in 2018.

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Wednesday, 19 June 2019


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The Tudor Trilogy, Book One
Historical Fiction
Publisher: Presei Press

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Based on the true story of a forgotten hero, OWEN is the epic tale of one young man’s incredible courage and resilience as he changes the course of English history.

England 1422: Owen Tudor, a Welsh servant, waits in Windsor Castle to meet his new mistress, the beautiful and lonely Queen Catherine of Valois, widow of the warrior king, Henry V. Her infant son is crowned King of England and France, and while the country simmers on the brink of civil war, Owen becomes her protector.

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Winter of 1422

I tense at the sound of approaching footsteps as I wait to meet my new mistress, the young widow of King Henry V, Queen Catherine of Valois. Colourful Flemish tapestries decorate the royal apartments of Windsor Castle, dazzling my senses and reminding me how life in the royal household presents new opportunities. My life will change forever, if she finds me acceptable, yet doubt nags at my mind.

The doors open and Queen Catherine’s usher appears. I have been told to approach the queen and bow, but must not look directly at her or speak, other than to say my name, until spoken to. Taking a deep breath I enter the queen’s private rooms where she sits surrounded by her sharp-eyed ladies-in-waiting. I have the briefest glimpse of azure silk, gold brocade, gleaming pearls and a breath of exotic perfume. I remove my hat and bow, my eyes cast down to her velvet-slippered feet.

‘Owen Tudor, Your Highness, Keeper of your Wardrobe.’ My voice echoes in the high-ceilinged room.

One of her ladies fails to suppress her giggle, a sweet enough sound, if you are not the reason for it. I forget my instruction and look up to see the queen regarding me with confident, ice-blue eyes.

‘You are a Welshman?’ Her words sound like an accusation.

‘My full name is Owain ap Maredydd ap Tudur, although the English call me Owen Tudor. I come from a long line of Welsh noblemen, Your Highness.’ I regret my boast as soon as I say the words.

‘Owen Tudor...’ This time her voice carries a hint of amusement.

I put on my hat and pull my shoulders back. She examines me, as one might study a horse before offering a price. After years of hard work I have secured a position worthy of my skills, yet it means nothing without the approval of the queen.

‘You look more like a soldier than a servant?’ The challenge in her words seems to tease me.

‘I have served in the king’s army as a soldier.’ I feel all their eyes upon me.

‘Yet... you have no sword?’ She sounds curious.

‘Welshmen are not permitted to carry a sword in England, Your Highness.’ I am still bitter at this injustice.

I remember the last time I saw her, at the king’s state funeral in Westminster. Her face veiled, she rode in a gilded carriage drawn by a team of black horses. I followed on foot as the funeral procession passed through sombre crowds, carrying the king’s standard and wearing the red, blue and gold livery of the royal household.

‘You fought in France?’

‘With the king’s bowmen, Your Highness, before I became a squire.’

The queen has none of the air of sadness I expected. Slim, almost too thin, her childlike wrists and delicate fingers are adorned with gold rings sparkling with diamonds and rubies. Her neck is long and slender, her skin pale with the whiteness of a woman who rarely sees the sun. Her golden-brown hair is gathered in tight plaits at the back of her head and her headdress fashionably emphasises her smooth, high forehead.

King Henry V chose as his bride the youngest daughter of the man they called the ‘mad king’, Charles VI. They said King Charles feared he was made of glass and would shatter if he didn’t take care. Charles promised Henry he would inherit the throne and become the next King of France and there were rumours of a secret wedding dowry, a fortune in gold.

Barely a year into his marriage, the king left his new wife pregnant and alone in Windsor. He returned to fight his war in France, capturing the castle of Dreux before marching on the fortress at Meaux, defended by Jean de Gast, the Bastard of Vaurus, a cruel, brave captain. The king never saw his son and heir, his namesake.

The siege of Meaux was hard won and he suffered the bloody flux, the dreaded curse of the battlefield. Men had been known to recover, if they were strong and lucky. Many did not, despite the bloodletting and leeches. The flux is an inglorious way to die, poisoned by your own body, especially for a victorious warrior king who would never now be King of France.

The queen has an appraising look in her eyes. She has buried her hopes for the future along with her husband. I remember I am looking at the mother of the new king, once he comes of age. One thing is certain; she will not be left to raise the prince alone. Ambitious men are already vying for their share of power and influence.

At last she speaks. ‘And now you are in my household?’

‘My appointment to your service was made by Sir Walter Hungerford, Steward of the King’s Household and constable here at Windsor.’

‘Sir Walter was one of my husband’s most trusted men—the executor of the king’s will.’

‘I worked as squire to Sir Walter for many years, in England and France.’

‘You speak French?’

‘A little, Your Highness.’ I answer in French.

‘Were you with King Henry at the siege of Rouen?’ Now she speaks in French.

‘I was, Your Highness. I will never forget it.’ I answer again in French. I learned the language on the battlefield and in the taverns of Paris and can swear as well as any Frenchman.

‘I heard the people of Rouen were starving... before they surrendered.’ Her voice is softer now and she speaks in English.

‘War is cruel, yet now there is less appetite for it.’

‘I pray to God that is true.’ She glances back at her ladies, who are watching and listening, as ladies-in-waiting do. Queen Catherine regards me, giving nothing away. ‘I welcome you to our household, Master Tudor.’

‘Thank you, Your Highness.’

Our first meeting is over. She is unlike any woman I have known, fascinating, intriguing and beautiful. More than that; there is something about her I find deeply attractive, a dangerous thing to admit. Perhaps my fascination is with the glimpse I’d seen of the real woman, the same age as myself, behind the title of Dowager Queen of England.

‘Aim high, boy,’ my garrulous longbow tutor once advised me, his voice gruff from too much shouting. ‘It’s not the Welsh way to play safe and wait until you have a clear shot!’ The man spits hard on the ground to add emphasis and stares knowingly into my eyes, standing so close I can almost feel the coarse grey stubble of his beard. ‘When you aim high,’ he points an imaginary bow up at the sky, ‘your arrow will fly far into the enemy ranks and strike with the full vengeance of God.’

‘Who, of course, is on our side.’ A daring, foolhardy thing for a boy like me to say to a man who can punch me to the ground or worse.

For a moment I see the old man’s mind working as he tries to decide if I am being disrespectful, sacrilegious or both. The moment passes. I notch a new arrow into the powerful yew longbow and fire it high into the sky, without a care for where it will fall.

I smile at the memory as I return down the long passage to the servants’ hall. Life as a king’s archer was hard, but I enjoyed the camaraderie of the other men and it taught me many things. As well as how to use a longbow, I learned to watch my back, when to speak up and when to remain silent. My tutor died in the thick mud of Normandy, yet his lesson serves me well. I know to aim high.

That night, wide awake in the darkness, I reflect on the unthinkable turn my life has taken. I always imagined I would become a merchant, setting up shop somewhere in the narrow, dirty streets of London, or perhaps an adventurer, sailing off to seek my fortune. I remain a servant, yet for the first time I have my own lodging room, however small and cramped.

My reward for long and loyal service as squire to Sir Walter has been this new appointment, a position of great responsibility. The queen’s wardrobe is a treasure store of priceless gold and jewels, as well as all her expensive clothes and most valuable possessions. Such a senior post in the royal household pays more than I have earned in my life and carries influence, allowing me regular and privileged access to the queen.

I resolve to become indispensable to her. High and mighty lords and dukes will come and go, with their false concerns and self-serving advice, yet I will see her every day, tending to her needs. I recall how she referred to Sir Walter as one of the king’s most trusted men. That is what I wish to become; Queen Catherine’s most trusted man.


About the Author

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Tony Riches is a UK historical fiction author living in Pembrokeshire, Wales. You can find out more on Tony’s website and his blog ‘The Writing Desk’ at  Find him on Twitter @tonyriches. Owen – Book One of the Tudor Trilogy is available in eBook and paperback on Amazon, where it is a #1 historical fiction bestseller.  There is a short video trailer for the book on YouTube

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I am so excited that FOR THE HUNT by Debbie Cassidy is available now and that I get to share the news!
If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book by Author Debbie Cassidy, be sure to check out all the details below.
This blitz also includes a giveaway for a $15 Amazon Gift Card, International, courtesy of Debbie and Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d like a chance to win, enter in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.

About the Book:
Title: FOR THE HUNT (For the Blood Book 4)
Author: Debbie Cassidy
Pub. Date: June 18, 2019
Publisher: Debbie Cassidy
Formats: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 107
Find it: GoodreadsAmazon

There is no pixie dust in faerie...

In faerie The Hunt is the top of the food chain, and me? I'm the head of the viper, or so they tell me. But that's a lie. Something is rising, a dread, a fear that cannot be named, and I'm about to dive right into the thick of it. Now, if only I can get the guys and The Hunt to work together then maybe we can all come out of this unscathed.

Join Eva and the guys as they adjust to life in faerie in this sequel novella to the For the Blood Series.

Buy the first 3 books!
I moved atop Elias, the tempo of my rhythm increasing as I approached climax. He thrust his hips up to meet mine, his fingers biting into my hips with pleasant intensity. I tipped my head back, and one of his hands relinquished its hold on my hip and moved to my breast. He was rough, kneading and tugging just the way it worked with us.
Close, so close.

Oh God.

Awareness rippled through me, a tugging of a different sort. The Hunt. The dead. I had to… Oh God… The orgasm ripped through me, accompanied by Elias’s moan. Green flashed before my eyes and Caister’s voice cut through my groan.

“If you’ve quite finished.” He stood at the head of the bed dressed in his inky-black Hunt gear, leather and cotton and more leather. His emerald gaze swept over my naked form with something akin to arrogant ownership. The heat of passion died as anger flared to life in my chest, along with the bite of something else that I couldn’t define.

“Get out.” Words that should have been clipped came out breathless, which annoyed me more.

Elias cursed colorfully and attempted to pull out of me.

I placed a hand on his chest to hold him in place. “Not you.” I glared at Caister, ignoring the flutter in my belly at the way his eyes blatantly roved over my body. “You. Get out now.”

He crossed his arms and raised his attention to my face, slow and leisurely. “We have a calling.” My horn materialized in his hand. “Blow this for a change.”

I glared at him, resisting the urge to take the horn even though every fiber of my being wanted to. “The dead can wait a few minutes.”

His jaw clenched and his eyes flashed emerald. “Your orgasm can wait a few hours.”

“Fuck you, Caister.”

A dark look flashed across his eyes and his lip curled. “You wish.”

About Debbie:

Debbie Cassidy lives in England, Bedfordshire, with her three kids and very supportive husband. Coffee and chocolate biscuits are her writing fuels of choice, and she is still working on getting that perfect tower of solitude built in her back garden. Obsessed with building new worlds and reading about them, she spends her spare time daydreaming and conversing with the characters in her head – in a totally non psychotic way of course. She writes Urban Fantasy, Fantasy and Reverse Harem Fantasy. All her books contain plenty of action, romance and twisty plots.

Connect with Debbie via her website or Email her at
Check her out on twitter

Sign up to her newsletter to grab a free short story, and stay up to date on new releases:

Giveaway Details:

1 winner will win a $15 Amazon Gift Card, INTERNATIONAL.

Monday, 17 June 2019


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Karda: Adalta Vol. I
Fantasy, Sci-fi
Publisher: Green Canoe, LLC

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On the beautiful world Adalta, an ancient threat emerges. Young Marta is dropped to the planet for her first secret mission alone. Raised by her father on an orbiting trade ship, he trained her for this - and to live by two rules: Don’t get attached. Don’t get discovered.

As cover for her mission, Marta joins the Mi’hiru, the all-female elite guard who patrol the skies on Karda, majestic hawk-headed flying horses.

On this planet where the only weapons allowed are arrows and swords, Marta discovers a high-tech weapon she knows could only come from her ship. Someone is smuggling them to use in the bitter power struggle between two noble brothers. She knows she must stop this threat, and she reluctantly joins forces with the handsome but arrogant Altan. As their connection grows, Marta struggles to keep her secret and to keep the rule of not getting attached.

As tensions rise and the ancient threat grows, will Marta accept the frightening elemental magic powers Adalta wants to give her to save the planet she loves?

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Other Books in the Adalta Fantasy/Sci-fi Series:

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Hunter: Adalta Vol II
Publisher: Green Canoe, LLC

Published: August 2018

Tessa, a young girl with a shattered dream, must unite with Galen, a young man with a shattered emotional shell.

Tessa’s dream to reclaim her trauma-blocked elemental talent and become a healer fractures when a powerful flying hawk-headed horse claims her as the Austringer, one who hunts with hawks. Instead of learning to heal, she must learn to kill the ancient evil arising on the planet.

Galen has no dream, and the emotions he can no longer hide threaten to explode. Assaulted by overwhelming elemental forces from the planet, he becomes the legendary Kern––with power over plants and soil he doesn’t believe in and doesn’t want.

When a blood-and-death magician releases an ancient alien imprisoned for centuries, its horrific creatures rise to kill everyone who threatens to block its returning powers and its invasion of the planet. Together Tessa the Hunter and Galen the Kern must fight this alien evil that threatens to enslave their planet.


The wagon slowed, and Bren poked an elbow into her ribs. Marta
caught herself on the side of the seat before she tumbled off and embarrassed herself. “Look there,” he said, pointing up through a break in the clouds. “Karda.”
Joy swelled in her chest, and she forgot to breathe. Two enormous
flying figures were high in the sky, wings outstretched as they circled
up a thermal. Sun glinted from bronze and gold wingtips. Their
forelegs were tucked under, hind ones stretched behind. Manes and
tails streamed.
“Oh, by the Lady Adalta,” Bren breathed. “Did you ever see
anythin' more beautiful?”
She watched the creatures rise ever higher into the sky, spread their
wings wide in a glide, and disappear into the clouds. And something
inside her shifted. Her whole body prickled with the need to see them
again. To get close to them. She grabbed the side of the wagon to
anchor herself. The few images the spy bugs had sent couldn't
compare. I can't believe I might fly on one of those beautiful beings. They are
magical. What if I’m rejected for the training program? What if my cover
story has too many holes?
Well-trained as she was at blending in on a new planet, the possibility of getting recalled or caught was too real. On this, her first mission alone she would not, could not, fail. A cold, hard knot formed in her stomach. Getting expelled was not the only danger. She was going to have to guard against commitment that went too deep. That might be worse than not being accepted. The beautiful horse-bodied, hawk-headed Karda filled her mind. A sharp, involuntary shiver shot up her spine. How could she not become attached to them? But Adalta
wasn't her home. She couldn’t stay here forever.

About the Author

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Sherrill Nilson used to raise horses. Now she writes about flying horses--with hawk heads and wicked talons.

Author of the Adalta Series, she's been a cattle rancher, horse breeder, environmentalist, mother of three, traveler to exotic places-even a tarot card reader. She's lived in Santa Fe and Ruidoso, NM, San Francisco, and Austin after leaving the hills of Eastern Oklahoma and her ranch.

She has a Ph.D. in East-West Psychology, and those studies opened her to the world of ancient myth and story. The rigor of writing so many papers and her dissertation suited her. She loves science fiction and fantasy and is a prolific reader.

One day she put the book she just finished down and thought, "I'm going to run out of books to read. I love imagined worlds. Maybe I could create my own." So she took a leap of faith and embarked on writing Karda and Hunter-the first two books in the Adalta series. She's now working on Falling, the third book, and lurking in the back of her mind is another series about the trees deciding whether or not to leave earth.

She lives, writes, and reads SciFi/fantasy in Tulsa, Oklahoma--back where she started as the oldest of seven kids (don't ask to drive), three of whom are writers who love telling each other how they should write. "Sometimes," she says, "They're mean to me and use too much red ink."

She doesn't have a dog, a cat, or even a bird, but she does have an old Volvo convertible and loves to drive around with the wind blowing her hair. It's how she gets her vitamin D.

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Sunday, 16 June 2019

Galak's Rising

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Sci-fi Adventure, Dystopian Science Fiction Epic Fantasy
Date Published: June 4, 2019

On Sale! $0.99!

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What do you do when the world’s greatest power has no conscience?

Two, not of blood, but joined in blood,

may conquer only as a selfless act of love.

-from The Prophecy of the Dancers of Silence

The illustrated dystopian science fiction epic fantasy BIRTH RIGHT TRILOGY depicts the first battles of a brutal war between humans, cyborgs, robots, and genetically enhanced beings. In the first book, BIRTH RIGHT: GALAK’S RISING, you are introduced to the Valki and Galak.

At the onset of a technological war that could destroy their race and the technology that made them superior, the genetically enhanced Valki traveled more than a century into the future.

In this new civilization, Galak, a cruel cyborg obsessed with creating his own race of superior beings, induces the remaining human feudal and native tribes to war against one another. To limit the Valki population, births are restricted to one per woman, unless they are twins. Galak demands that Valki teen twins compete for a Birthright, the right to have children—or be sterilized.

The courage of two young Valki women to resist Galak's law pits princes, kings, and mighty warriors against a merciless and powerful foe.

To save humanity, the girls, named only 99 and 100, and their allies must resist an opponent who has the field and technological advantages. Only those willing to sacrifice everything can defeat their enemies.

The BIRTH RIGHT TRILOGY explores the ethical implications of technology with adventure, romance, humor, and terror.

Kent Burles created the nineteen illustrations for GALAK’S RISING.


99 and 100 watch in horror from their upstairs window as two Galak warriors drag a girl toward the red doors of the Dall Building. Neither can guess what they are doing with her or what the young girl did to deserve arrest.

Below, the girl kicks and screams, then faints.

The G warriors shrug, and then pick her up and carry her inside the wooden building.

From their room, the girls look on, waiting for something to happen, but nothing does. The only movement below them is the dust sweeping across the dirt road.

99 and 100 look at one another, not believing what they have seen. Then, the girls smell the familiar scent of Lavora, a rare rose and lavender perfume, and turn to face their grandmother, Crystal.

Crystal’s forehead is fraught with concern. “Girls, what have you been doing?”

The two 14-year old girls cling to Crystal. 99, the most outspoken, speaks. “Grandma, a girl was arrested and taken inside the Dall Building. She was our age!”

“Who took her?” Crystal smooths the simple cotton skirt over her slim frame. She knows before she asks, though, that it has to do with Galak. Everything evil does. Why did Galak have to follow them here?

100 answers now. “The G Warriors. Were they kidnapping her?” Crystal pulls the girls closer. She hasn’t felt this frightened since she left Darissa da Vinci in 2071. “We’re not to interfere with them, dears. They work under Galak’s orders.”

“Who is Galak?” 99 asks as she brushes a long wisp of dark hair away from her face. If he’s important, she ought to know.

Crystal looks from 99 to 100, uncertain what their mother, Sila, would have her say.

About the Author

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Christina Goebel, M.A., was born in Texas and is a former secondary English teacher and statewide disability conference planner. When she began college, her goal was to earn a degree to be respected as a writer. She earned an associate degree in World Literature from Miami-Dade Community College, a bachelor's in Secondary English Education from Florida International University, and a master's in Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin.

Since her father was a computer programmer, Christina developed a curiosity about artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Christina is married and has son and a German Shepherd. Her son designed the book cover for BIRTH RIGHT: GALAK’S RISING. Christina's an avid traveler and has a read a part of a book most days of her life.

Other works by Christina Goebel: GoldenHeart: How to Love Humanity

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The American Outsider by Homa Pourasgari

  "A charming read with characters who come to life on the page—and who live for a cause whose urgency shines through the story." ...