Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Broken Road by Angela Kay Austin


Women’s Fiction, Romance

Date Published: March 31, 2021

Publisher: Bluff City Publishing

To Be Forgiven, You Must Forgive Yourself

Abandoned by her husband, Elizabeth Marie Mitchell, a single mother with a teenage daughter, had no choice but to endure. She had to survive for both herself and her daughter.

What happens when someone you trusted hurts your daughter, and you are at fault?

Charles Mitchell ignored his heart and his responsibilities as a man, a father and a husband. Now, he has lost everything that matters. He wasn't there when they needed him, but he'll never fail them again.

What happens when you have the chance to be the man you were born to be, the man you know you can be?

What will Elizabeth and Charles do for the love of their daughter?

About The Author

Angela Kay Austin has always loved expressing herself creatively. An infatuation with music led to years playing several instruments, some better than others. A love for acting put her in front of a camera or two for her thirty seconds of fame before giving way to a degree and career in communications. After completing a second degree in marketing, Angela found herself combining her love for all things creative and worked in promotions and events for many years.

Today, Angela lives in London where she continues to write and explore!

To learn more about Angela, visit her website: angelakayaustin.com/. Don't forget to visit Angela's YouTube channel: youtube.com/AngelaKayAustin!

Also, download Angela's podcast, Live Free, today from wherever you download your podcasts!

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Monday, 29 March 2021

The Crawfords Series by Sophie Barnes


A Regency Romance Collection

Historical Regency Romance, Historical Romance, Regency Romance

Release Date: March 30, 2021

Allow yourself to be swept away to a bygone era…

No Ordinary Duke

Returning to England after ten years abroad, Caleb Crawford learns he's the new Duke of Camberly. Only he doesn't want the title. He'd rather help three spinsters fix a leaky roof. Disguised as a laborer, he falls for Mary and she returns his affection. Until she learns that he's more than he seems and that she's in danger of getting hurt.

More than a Rogue

With a broken engagement behind her, Emily Howard knows she's destined to be a spinster. Nevertheless, it might still be nice to learn about kissing. But when she's discovered in the arms of Griffin Crawford, she flees to save not only him but her very own heart. Because in her experience, dreams don't come true. Do they?

Her Seafaring Scoundrel

Lady Cassandra has no desire to marry. But when Captain Devlin Crawford brings scandal to her doorstep and offers salvation, she cannot say no. Not with her daughter’s future at stake. So she decides to accept Devlin’s offer, provided he agrees to never be intimate with her. For although Cassandra is drawn to Devlin, she refuses to dishonor the memory of her one true love.

If you love independent heroines and heroes willing to go to the ends of the earth for them, you'll love this series!

About The Author

Born in Denmark, USA TODAY bestselling author Sophie Barnes spent her youth traveling with her parents to wonderful places all around the world. She's lived in five different countries, on three different continents, and speaks Danish, English, French, Spanish, and Romanian. But, most impressive of all, she's been married to the same man three times—in three different countries and in three different dresses.

When she's not busy dreaming up her next romance novel, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, swimming, cooking, gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading.

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Wednesday, 10 March 2021

A Change of Scenery by Davalynn Spencer


The Canon City Chronicles, Book 4

Sweet Historical Western Romance

Published: February 2021

Publisher: Wilson Creek Publishing

A hidden fear.

A daring challenge.

A liberating love.

A motorcar accident on a rainy Chicago night steals Ella Canaday’s fiancé as well as her ability to ride. Clinging to the remnants of her independence, she cuts her hair and her ties with her wealthy father and takes a train west as the seamstress with a moving-picture company. Colorado offers the change of scenery she needs. But she doesn’t expect the bold cowboy who challenges her to reclaim both the loves she thought she’d lost forever.

Cale H

About The Author

Davalynn Spencer is a Publisher’s Weekly and ECPA bestselling author and winner of the Will Rogers Gold Medallion for Inspirational Western Fiction. She is the wife and mother of professional rodeo bullfighters and the author of sixteen titles, both contemporary and historical. She blogs monthly for Christian Authors Network, contributes to the American Christian Fiction Writers blog, and writes her own weekly inspirational blog. She teaches writing workshops when not wrangling Keeper the Cowdog and mouse detectors Annie and Oakley. Connect with her at https://www.davalynnspencer.com

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Monday, 8 March 2021

The Treason of Robyn Hood by D. Lieber



Dieselpunk Adventure

Date Published: March 9, 2021

Publisher: Ink & Magick

What is the price of justice?

As a ward of the Lacklands, Robyn Loxley has lived a privileged life. Even now, in 1942, when another war ravages the world and people on the home front must do without, her adopted family is not affected by the rations and shortages.

That’s not to say she hasn’t been affected by the war personally. As Robyn hits yet another roadblock in her quest to see her best friend Will, trapped in a Japanese-American concentration camp, she stumbles onto the people of Sherwood.

With dark truths revealed about the Lacklands and what really goes on in Midshire, Robyn must answer what justice means to her and what she’s willing to do to exact it.

Robyn and the merry band get an update in this dieselpunk adventure.


The Blue Boar Inn had been a very popular pub at the turn of the century. It was the sturdy sort of tavern you’d likely find in an English village. It had a thick wooden bar, scratched and marked from decades of use; there was even a deep gouge where an overzealous prohibitionist had taken an axe to it. Tall stools surrounded the counter, and mismatched farm tables lined the walls. The rafters of the short, seven-foot ceiling were exposed but clean, without even the wispy strands of a cobweb.

The glory days of the inn may have been bygone, but it still held its own. And like every good pub, there were the same loyal customers, though it wasn’t unusual to see a new face every day.

The bartender, Eadom, smiled at Robyn as she entered. “It’s been a bit, Robyn. I was beginning to think you’d found a new place to grab a pint,” he greeted.

Robyn returned his smile as she bent to pat Brian, the Saint Bernard, on his giant head where he slept near the door. The dog peeked through heavy lids at being pet and gave a sleepy wag of the tail before drifting off again. “Aw, come on, Eadom. You know I’d never abandon you like that. Where else can I sit on my favorite stool and have a chat with my favorite bartender?”

He leaned over the bar toward her and smirked. “Try to charm me all you like, you still got to pay.”

When have I ever stiffed you, Eadom?”

He raised an eyebrow at her.

Other than that one time, but that was forever ago. Besides, I paid you back.”

He slid over to the beer engine and pulled the handle three times, pumping dark, clear beer with a bright, fluffy head into a pint glass. Then, he handed it to her over the bar.

You’re a gentleman, Eadom. Don’t let anyone tell you any different.”

Yeah, yeah,” he said.

Robyn drank deep; it was smooth with the slightest hint of a bite. She sighed in contentment and set her glass on the counter. “Now then,” she called, clapping her hands together. “Who wants to challenge me to a round of darts?”

The other patrons avoided eye contact as she looked around the room. “Oh, come on, you cowards. No one wants to try to take on the champ?”

Looks like they’ve all learned their lesson,” Eadom snickered.

Just then, the front door opened and a newcomer straggled in. He wore a long, black overcoat, a charcoal fedora, and a scarf over his nose and mouth to keep the toxins at bay. Hanging up his things on a coat-rack near the door, he revealed longish, dark brown hair, tousled from his hat and curled at the tips.

You,” Robyn called to the stranger.

He looked up from eyeing Brian, his dark gaze meeting hers. Her stomach fluttered slightly. Robyn grinned at him, but he just stared blandly back.

Want to play darts with me?”

He paused as though thinking over her offer, but his expression still gave nothing away. “All right,” he agreed in a steady baritone.

She tried to hide her glee at finding a new challenger, and such a fox at that.

Now you’re in for it,” Eadom chuckled. He poured the man a pint and told him it was “on the house.”

Are you kidding me, Eadom?” Robyn whined.

Hey, I don’t want to hear any of your moaning. Anyone who’s willing to attempt to take you down a peg deserves a reward.”

You wound me, Eadom.”

Yeah, yeah.”

What’s your name, stranger?” Robyn asked her opponent as they made their way to the dartboard, noting his ringless left hand.

Alaric Nottingham,” he answered.

About The Author

D. Lieber has a wanderlust that would make a butterfly envious. When she isn’t planning her next physical adventure, she’s recklessly jumping from one fictional world to another. Her love of reading led her to earn a Bachelor’s in English from Wright State University.

Beyond her skeptic and slightly pessimistic mind, Lieber wants to believe. She has been many places—from Canada to England, France to Italy, Germany to Russia—believing that a better world comes from putting a face on “other.” She is a romantic idealist at heart, always fighting to keep her feet on the ground and her head in the clouds.

Lieber lives in Wisconsin with her husband (John) and cats (Yin and Nox).

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Sunday, 7 March 2021

Holding by Kata Cuic

Moving the Chains, Book 5

Sports Romance

Date Published: March 8, 2021

Every rule has an exception.

Tori Russo’s job is very simple—be a pretty distraction for a professional football player with a bad attitude. Her only problem? She’d rather gain some actual marketing experience during her internship than be someone’s arm candy for photo ops. Growing up with a Navy captain father and five older, overprotective brothers, she’s never been allowed to stand on her own two feet. She’s going to prove to them she has what it takes to be an independent adult. Even if it means giving in and faking a relationship with one of the NFL’s most eligible bachelors. Tori doesn’t want to sleep her way to the top, but her client is impossible to resist. If she can keep her heart out of the game, she can walk away with her head held high.

Mike Mitchell’s life shouldn’t be this complicated. All he wants is to play football and earn a good living for his family, but his life off the field is riddled with chaos. After a long-standing feud with an old friend-turned-rival is caught on camera, he’s assigned a PR rep by his team. His options are limited—play nice with the sweet as peaches redhead or be benched. With his paycheck and his ability to provide for his mom and sisters on the line, he’s convinced he can juggle one more ball. His only problem? He’s becoming way too attached to this gorgeous distraction. The friend zone is collapsing day by day. If he can’t avoid her temptation, then he’s going to have to find a different way to play by the rules.

Other Books in the Moving the Chains Romance Series:

First and Goal

Moving the Chains, Book 1

Second Down

Moving the Chains, Book 2

Third and Long

Moving the Chains, Book 3

Fourth and Inches

Moving the Chains, Book 4



Even with his face twisting in a weird mixture of what I’m guessing is contempt, fury, then finally resignation, Mike Mitchell is a darn fine specimen of the male species. He’s apple pie, bonfires on a cool fall night, and the epitome of what most women imagine when they hear the words “football player.” In short, he’s an all-American stud whose good looks almost overshadow his annoyed expression. His full lips form an upside-down horseshoe. With that kind of expressive control, he’s probably a fantastic kisser.

He drags a hand through sweat-soaked hair that’s a much lighter shade of brown when it isn’t wet. From what I’ve seen of his team photos, he keeps it neat and doesn’t go overboard with products or style like the kind of guys who probably spend more time on their hair in the morning than I do.

Like Ben does. Or maybe he doesn’t anymore. I wouldn’t know because he made it perfectly clear that we needed a break to find ourselves. Whatever that means.

I snap out of my daze when Mitchell speaks.

I don’t need it, guys. Really.”

A bark of laughter redirects my attention to the doorway. The same man who tested me stands at the entrance of the room like some sort of guard dog, his arms crossed over his chest. “Oh, we think you do.”

Mike throws his arms in the air, clearly frustrated. “Why? My numbers are solid. I’m pulling my weight—”

A round of boisterous laughter cuts him off. Another player shouts, “Yeah, because this is the weight room!”

He rolls his eyes at that admittedly horrible joke. “Butt out of my personal life, will you?”

I knew it!” someone else calls. “He’s got butt problems!”

Oh my God,” Mitchell mutters, rubbing his forehead. Then louder, “I’m not gay! Give it a rest already!”

If you’re not gay, then explain your lover’s spat with Fossoway last week.”

My ears perk up because that name is precisely why I’m here. I open my mouth, but I don’t get a chance to speak.

Gay or not, you need to get laid, man!”

How long’s it been? Years?”

Are you a Boy Scout?”

Relax and live a little! You’re in the big leagues now! Enjoy it!”

With each additional piece of life advice, Mike’s face gets redder and redder. I’m not sure whether it’s from anger or embarrassment. Both of which I totally empathize with. He finally explodes, leaping off his bench like his butt might actually have problems. In that it’s on fire. He stands so close to me; I can actually see the split second of hesitation in his eyes.

In the next heartbeat, my theory is proven right. So right.

If only it wasn’t so wrong.

That thought is impossible to maintain when strong, capable hands grip my hips and knead until I’m nearly purring. A decidedly inelegant squeak escapes my throat as I’m hauled against six feet of solid muscle. The instinct to let my hands explore every plane and deep ridge forces me to fist his damp shirt to stave off my baser instincts. Firm lips and a warm, soft tongue obliterate any other attempt at sensibility. If I’ve ever been kissed like this, I don’t remember it. I’m not sure I’ll remember my own name after even one more minute of this exquisite torture.

Thankfully, he pulls away before I can completely lose myself.

All my hopes for salvation go up in flames as his mouth migrates to the sensitive spot just below my ear, his lips tickling my prickly skin as he speaks. “Follow my lead.”

I’m not sure I could walk a straight line right now, much less follow him anywhere.

Seeming to sense my knees are close to buckling, he drags me away as laughter and more comments pelt me from all sides. The cacophony is barely enough to stop my mind from spinning.

Give it to her good!”

Don’t come back here until you’re a man again!”

Can I watch?”

Heck, I want to watch what Mike Mitchell is undoubtedly capable of, and pornography is not something I’ve ever engaged in.

Once we’re safely in the much quieter hallway, he releases me from his surprisingly gentle grip then rounds on me. “I’m sorry, but I’m not interested. I’ll pay for your wasted time though, unless whoever hired you paid up front.”

The conversation and events that went over my head in the weight room catch up to me with his offer. “You think I’m a prostitute?”

About the Author

Kata Čuić lives in Pittsburgh, PA with her husband and three teens. No one told her life was gonna be this way. She holds a degree in Linguistics with a minor in Religious Studies from the University of Pittsburgh. Her plans of becoming a pediatric neurosurgeon were foiled by OChem 1. Fortunately, she’d been making up stories in her head since the days of her imaginary friend, Choosy. Putting pen to paper, er…fingers to the keyboard…came surprisingly naturally after her aforementioned teens decided it was time for them to cut their respective cords.

Kata writes everything from angst-filled YA series to standalone rom-coms and has been known to dabble in a bit of paranormal on the free stories section of her website. She believes nice guys shouldn’t have to finish last (except in the bedroom where she prefers an alpha between the sheets but a gentleman in the streets), and that the surest way to a woman’s heart is through laughter and food.

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Saturday, 6 March 2021

Dead in a Dumpster by B.L.Blair


Leah Norwood Mysteries, Book #1

Cozy Mystery

Date Published: September 23, 2014

When Leah Norwood finds the body of Isabel Meeks in the dumpster behind her store, she can’t believe the police consider her a suspect. Sure, she didn’t like Isabel, but then again, neither did anyone else. Isabel had a condescending attitude and a bad reputation. As manager of the antique store, Patina, she had made a lot of enemies.

There is Patina’s assistant manager, the handsome and charming Trent. Isabel was blackmailing him. There is Patina’s owner, the aloof and influential Anthony Thorpe. Isabel was smuggling drugs through his store. And there is the entire drug dealing Cantono family. Isabel had lost a box containing heroin from one of their shipments. That is just to name a few and didn’t even include the stranger who was seen arguing with Isabel just hours before her death.

The police have too many suspects and too many soft alibis. Leah needs to prove to the sexy new chief of police that she had nothing to do with Isabel’s death.

Leah loves a good mystery. Can she find the killer before the police arrest her for murder?

About the Author

B. L. Blair writes mystery/romance stories. Like most authors, she has been writing most of her life and has dozens of books started. She just needs the time to finish them.

She is the author of the Leah Norwood Mysteries and the Lost and Found Pets Mystery Novellas. She loves reading books, writing books, and traveling wherever and as often as time and money allows. She is currently working on her latest book set in Texas, where she lives with her family.

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The American Outsider by Homa Pourasgari

  "A charming read with characters who come to life on the page—and who live for a cause whose urgency shines through the story." ...