Monday, 6 September 2021

Combustible by Al Riske


Al Riske
Publication date: May 16th 2021
Genres: Coming of Age

It’s that summer between the end of high school and the start of something else. Dean Stockton and Curt Hutton are best friends, and more often than not you can find them rowing on the Rogue River at dawn.

Together they experience something they will never be able to describe adequately. But then they won’t really need to. Not to each other. It’s that moment of swing when rowers find the rhythm and everything falls into place. The shell seems to lift right out of the water.

Enter Isabelle Smiley. She’s beautiful yet insecure, knowing yet innocent, and crazy about Curt in a way that no girl has ever been crazy about Dean. She wants Curt to choose a college closer to home than the one he and Dean have selected—and she can be persuasive.

“I’d never be able to hold out against a girl like Smiley,” Dean admits.

“Don’t say that,” Curt replies. “I told her she’d have to convince you, too.”

Everyone is conflicted in this story of friendship, lust, and life-changing choices. Only one thing seems certain to all of them: If Smiley strikes a match, Dean will catch fire.

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Read an Excerpt from Combustible

All the Way to France

The Sandpiper Bar & Grill overlooks the mouth of the Rogue River, and right now the parking lot is jammed with cars. A red Mustang convertible—the top down, for this is a starlit night in June—circles slowly to the back door.

In the kitchen, the scene is a whirl of cooks, busers, and dish washers.

Wearing an apron and a floppy chef’s hat, Dean cuts into a fresh cheesecake and passes a slice to the server waiting in the pantry window.

Above the din, a line cook hollers—

“Stockton, you’ve got visitors out back.”

Fellow pantry cook Victor Lee is shucking littleneck clams next to Dean, who says—

“Cover for me, will you?”

Backed into a loading zone behind the restaurant, Curt’s freshly waxed convertible couldn’t be shinier. The girl from Brookings is still seated on the passenger side; Curt opens the door for her.

Dean takes off his hat as he pushes through the screen door. He runs one hand through his hair, sweaty from the heat of the kitchen, while his eyes stay glued to the girl’s legs as she climbs out of the low-slung car. Her dress—white with tiny black polka dots—rides up and he can see all the way to France. She blushes but there’s reason to believe she is more pleased than embarrassed.

“Dean, I’d like you to meet Isabelle—oof!”

Curt’s date removes her elbow from his rib cage.

“You know I don’t like that name,” she says.

“Well, how am I supposed to introduce you?”

She turns to Dean—

“Just call me Smiley,” she says. “That’s my last name but it’s what everybody uses.”

They shake hands. Hers are soft and smooth—so much so that it’s unsettling.

“What’s wrong with…?”

Smiley cringes, so he doesn’t say her first name.

“It reminds me of my grandmother,” she says. “I was named after her, actually, but I can’t stand her. The feeling’s mutual, I’m sure.”

“You don’t look like an Isabelle anyway.”

“Thank you.”

Only two words, but they say Dean is exactly right—and Curt is just … mean.

“Busy tonight?” Curt asks.

“A madhouse. But I think we’ve got it under control now. How was the show?”

Curt holds his hand out flat, palm down, and tips it from side to side. Smiley looks appalled at his lack of enthusiasm.

“She cried the whole time,” Curt says.

“Well, it was sad … but I liked it,” Smiley replies. “You should see it, Dean.”

Since Dean doesn’t have a girlfriend and has never been to a movie alone, he’s not sure what to say.

Author Bio:


AL RISKE is the author of Precarious, Sabrina's Window, The Possibility of Snow, Then We'd Be Happy, and Combustible. He has worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine editor, and ghostwriter. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, he now lives in California with his wife, Joanne, and their dog, Bodie.

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Friday, 3 September 2021

The Spirit of a Rising Sun by K.R.Galindez


Release Date: September 5, 2021

Publisher: ‎Authors 4 Authors Publishing

Rebellion is always right.

Oyza yearns for revolution—an impossible dream with her lifetime prison sentence. Fueled by the destruction of her home and years of servitude, she reads the smuggled texts of the Ungoverned and dreams of a future that can never be. But the arrival of a new prisoner, Yars, reignites Oyza’s courage. She finds herself capable of more than she ever imagined.

To fight their way to their own freedom, they must fight for something bigger: freedom for their homeland. Between an invasion by godless gunwielders, a heartless commander who’s determined to kill Oyza, and webs of secrets and lies woven through their world, it will take all their strength and wits to survive. When blood is spilled, how much will be their own?

About the Author

Kyle Galindez lives in Santa Cruz, California, where he is pursuing a PhD at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He enjoys reading and writing epic fantasy. On the rare days and nights he's not writing his dissertation or the next book in his series, he's exploring beaches, playing video games (especially RPGs), or stargazing.

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Don’t Forget To Breathe by Cathrina Constantine


Don’t Forget To Breathe
Cathrina Constantine

Publication Date: September 1st 2021
Genres: Mystery, Young Adult

Leocadia arrives home from school to find her mom’s body. Unaware that the killer still lingers, she rushes to her mother’s side, only to be grabbed from behind. And everything fades to black.

Leo has been battling personal demons after a year of retrograde amnesia. She’s been having vivid dreams of that day. And her dreams are getting worse—she’s starting to remember. Two more bodies are discovered and they are oddly linked to her mom’s unsolved homicide.

Leo befriends her new neighbor. He’s eager to visit Star Hallow’s notorious haunted mansion. It’s located on a deserted cul-de-sac where she once lived and where her mom was murdered. But it’s the Lucien Estate, the mansion next door to her old home, where they happen upon misty ghosts, ghosts that just might help to unravel the homicides.

Will Leo’s memories send her reeling into a relapse, or will she be able to overcome her demons to find her mother’s killer – only to become the next victim?

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Read an Excerpt from Don’t Forget To Breathe 

The black corners of my room softened into a silvery gray. I turned my head to check the alarm clock, 4:45. I begged the heavens, “Please, let me sleep,” and smothered my head underneath my downy pillow.

A nanosecond after slamming my eyelids closed, I was immediately transported to a year ago…”

My walk down the hallway to my parents’ bedroom became sluggish. She’d been complaining of not feeling well and had stayed home from work today. Was she sick and needed to rest and forgot about the boiling water? The door was shut. I knuckled the frame softly. “Mom?”

My hand twisted the knob and inched it open. I gagged on the smell.

An awkward, half-naked body draped the mattress—porcelain skin sliced apart, and silky blonde hair fanned the floor. Dripping red blood—gobs of blood. Eyes filled with terror watched me. Dead eyes. My jaw moved. Mommm—but no sound. I shuffled a foot forward and doubled over, spewing lunch. That was when I noticed a bloody dagger next to her fingers. Forged in a peculiar camber design like something I’d see in a museum.

Arms swallowed me from behind, “I’m not going to kill you. Not yet.” Then everything faded to black.

I woke with a start and gasped. My heart ached. Struggling upright I crisscrossed my arms over my chest and gripped my shoulders. Tears sprinkled my face—sorry for my loss, sorry for myself.

Author Bio:

Cathrina Constantine is an International Best Selling and Award Winning Author. Her books have won Reader's Favorite International Book Awards. New Apple Medalist Award. Literary Classics Gold and Silver Award. Literary Classics Seal of Approval. And recently 1st Place Top Shelf Award for YA/Mystery.

Cathrina loves to immerse herself in great books of every kind of genre, which helps her to write purely for entertainment, and hopefully to inspire readers. When not stationed at her computer you can find her in the woods taking long walks with her dog.

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Thursday, 2 September 2021

Ye Gods! The Law is an Ass! by Seelie Kay


Ye Gods! The Law is an Ass!
(Donovan Trait #2)
by Seelie Kay

Genre: Romantic Suspense, Paranormal Romance, Mystery
Publisher: eXtasy Books
ISBN: 978-1-4874-3357-4
Page: 145
Word Count:44705
Publication Date: 2021-09-03

Book Blurb:

It was the Great Lie, and it could destroy the Vampire Nation.

In First, We Kill All the Lawyers, vampire lawyer Donovan Trait survived repeated attacks by a serial killer. Now, after violating a marital agreement with the Vampire Coalition, and several ancient Vampire Laws, Donovan, and his newly-turned vampire bride are on the run. You see, in exchange for permitting a pure-blood vampire to marry a turned human, the Traits agreed to allow vampire scientists to monitor the conception and birth of their children. When Judge Shirley Magnusen Trait turns up accidentally pregnant on her wedding day, the fury of the Coalition is unleashed. The tribunal recommends unacceptable punitive action and the Traits are forced to flee to a mysterious island of vampire nuns. The Traits are, by profession, seekers of the truth. But this time, the truth may not set them free. In fact, it could start a revolution. Will the Traits escape the clutches of the Coalition and keep their babies safe? Or will their family be…eliminated?

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Jonathan opened the envelope and reviewed the report. When he got to the last page, his eyes grew wide. “Donovan, it seems Shirley had a reason for that lightheadedness.”

Donovan gasped. “What is it?”

His father handed him the document and pointed at the bottom of the page. “She’s pregnant.”

Donovan grabbed at the wall. Overwhelmed with unfamiliar emotion, he settled onto a chair and rested his head in his hands. “Ye Gods,” he muttered. “I’m going to be a father.”

“And I am to be a grandfather, finally. However, I am afraid the Coalition may have a problem with this. They may not permit your marriage today or anytime soon.”

Donovan Trait turned to his father, his eyes filled with fury. “Why does it matter? We’re already married in the human world and we are about to repeat our vows before all in the Vampire Kingdom. This doesn’t change anything. It’s not like we are going to have a child out of wedlock. We have broken no laws.”

Jonathan Trait arched a fluffy white brow. “We need to discuss this, son.” He sat beside him. “The problem is, you explicitly agreed to allow the Coalition to oversee the conception and birth of any children born of this joining. Every step of the process was to be observed, studied, and documented. You know this.”

“So, they are going to force us to terminate the pregnancy and start over?” Donovan groaned. “It’s too late. I will not force her to start over. They can be voyeurs the next time. I am sure Shirley will have no problem with the monitoring of her pregnancy. It’s not like she can consult with a human physician. They would not understand that her child may have fangs in utero. And the blood work…” He shuddered. “I can’t imagine what…”

Jonathan frowned. “The agreement says from the point of conception, son.  You know what sticklers they are. Our women became barren more than a century ago. We need to understand why. From a scientific perspective, we need to know exactly what was different, so we can find a solution.”

Donovan harrumphed. “Seriously? Did they wish to observe while I made love to my wife? That’s ludicrous. Horny old bastards.”

Jonathan chuckled. “Some of those old fuddie-duddies would stroke out if forced to watch a virile man like you seduce his wife.” His expression turned somber. “Let’s look at the facts as we know them. As a lawyer, that’s a process with which you are familiar. 

“Human women can’t carry a vampire child to term. We know that. They miscarry. The human uterus is simply not strong enough to withstand the damage caused by a developing vampire fetus. Those fangs shred the amniotic sac. However, we also don’t know if a female vampire can carry a human baby to term. Shirley may not be able to provide the fetus with the nutrition that it needs to develop properly.

“In addition, we don’t know the point of conception, which means we don’t know if Shirley was fully turned when she conceived. We also don’t know what the genetic makeup of the baby will be and whether that will change as the pregnancy progresses. Furthermore, we don’t know whether the baby’s genetics will alter after birth. We don’t know what the child will need to survive. We don’t know much.

“That raises several questions, Donovan. Is Shirley’s life in danger? And is your child’s life in danger? Not just physically and genetically, but socially. The baby is an anomaly. To some, an adnomination. A freak. He or she will constantly be in danger. If you had kept to the agreement, she and the baby would have been protected. Now everything is at risk.”

About Seelie Kay:

Award-winning author Seelie Kay writes about lawyers in love, sometimes with a dash of kink.

Writing under a nom de plume, the former lawyer and journalist draws her stories from more than 30 years in the legal world. Seelie’s wicked pen has resulted in nineteen works of fiction, including the new paranormal romance series Donovan Trait, as well the erotic romance Kinky Briefs series and The Feisty Lawyers romantic suspense series. She also authored The Last Christmas, The Garage Dweller, A Touchdown to Remember, The President’s Wife, The President’s Daughter, Seizing Hope, The White House Wedding, and participated in the romance anthology Pieces of Us.

When not spinning romantic tales, Seelie ghostwrites nonfiction for lawyers and other professionals. Currently, she resides in a bucolic exurb outside Milwaukee, WI, where she enjoys opera, the Green Bay Packers, gourmet cooking, organic gardening, and an occasional bottle of red wine. 

Seelie is an MS warrior and ruthlessly battles the disease on a daily basis. Her message to those diagnosed with MS: Never give up. You define MS, it does not define you!

Seelie on the Web:
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Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Moves by John Michaels


Mystery, Crime, Thriller

Date Published: 7/7/16

In the blink of an eye, Robert Jake’s perfect life became hell.

Jake, a radio talk show host with a pregnant wife, had the perfect life until, in a moment of “Patriotic Stupidity” he decided to stop talking for a living and start shooting to help his country.

Deployed to Iraq, he barely made it home alive, shot-up and full of shrapnel, after a fatal ambush.

Moves is a mixture of single parent meets thriller, action, and suspense in bucket loads. If you like intrigue, plots with twists and turns, a little bit of romance and a story that keeps you holding your breath until the very last page; read on. Moves is a chess game of a page turner, where each chapter keeps you trying to outguess the killer.

We encounter Robert Jakes story, and the stories of those around him, at several points as flashbacks and therapy start to fill in aspects of his past. Jakes suffers with memory loss, bouts of depression and anger caused through PTSD. During an ambush 18 soldiers under his command lost their lives. His wife having died of breast cancer forces him to be a single parent to Rose, his young daughter, whom he loves deeply. She has inherited a little of both her parents, mom's DNA and his love for flying. He will do anything to protect her. Not understanding why, his life suddenly becomes complicated when the murders of the Dallas District Attorney and two innocent women seem to be connected to him. He gets help from a colleague to help join the dots as his life tumbles out of control.

Jakes life is now embroiled with murder attempts, not only on himself, but on the important people in his life. He has to dig in deep to keep himself balanced while trying to figure out, what the hell is going on.

About the Author

After many successful years in the broadcasting world, working as a sought-after radio personality, John Michaels was prompted into a writing career by a casual remark over a meal in a restaurant.

John’s former girlfriend gets credit for putting the writing bug in his head. They were having lunch and she was reading the first part of a memoir he had written. She reached over and stopped his fork midway between food and mouth and said, “This is terrific.” Five minutes later, she kept another fork from reaching its destination with, “You should write a novel. Make it a crime novel. It’ll be good.”

His first novel, ‘Moves’ was just that, a fast-moving thriller. However, it took him 12 years to finish, but he had really good excuses.

When he began to write, there were huge amounts of time when he had no time. Throat cancer surgery and subsequent radiation capped off with a subdural hematoma wiped out an entire year. Months were spent learning how to put a book together. Reading Steven King’s ‘On Writing’ helped.

John has had a love of the science fiction genre which he got into at the age of 10. He is following his passion for reading and taking it into writing, He is already working on his second novel which will be a sci-fi.

As a reader, his favorite Sci-Fi authors are Robert Heinlein, Philip K Dick, Issac Asimov, Carl Sagan, Arthur C Clarke, Ray Bradbury and a lot more.

Away from sci-fi, he loves Elizabeth Kolbert, Lee Child, Barry Eisler, Michael Connelly, John Sandford, Walter Isaacson and a hundred other talented women and men who offer you an escape into whatever world they have created.

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The American Outsider by Homa Pourasgari

  "A charming read with characters who come to life on the page—and who live for a cause whose urgency shines through the story." ...