Monday, 28 February 2022

Murder at the CDC by Jon Land


MURDER AT THE CDC by Jon Land Banner

Murder at the CDC

by Jon Land

February 14 - March 11, 2022 Virtual Book Tour


Murder at the CDC by Jon Land

2017: A military transport on a secret run to dispose of its deadly contents vanishes without a trace.

The present: A mass shooting on the steps of the Capitol nearly claims the life of Robert Brixton’s grandson.

No stranger to high-stakes investigations, Brixton embarks on a trail to uncover the motive behind the shooting. On the way he finds himself probing the attempted murder of the daughter his best friend, who works at the Washington offices of the CDC. The connection between the mass shooting and Alexandra’s poisoning lies in that long-lost military transport that has been recovered by forces determined to change America forever. Those forces are led by radical separatist leader Deacon Frank Wilhyte, whose goal is nothing short of bringing on a second Civil War. Brixton joins forces with Kelly Lofton, a former Baltimore homicide detective. She has her own reasons for wanting to find the truth behind the shooting on the Capitol steps, and is the only person with the direct knowledge Brixton needs. But chasing the truth places them in the cross-hairs of both Wilhyte’s legions and his Washington enablers.

"A wonderful mystery novel, riveting until the last page."
--Strand Magazine

"A terrific tale that never lets up."
--Sandra Brown

Book Details:

Genre: Political Thriller
Published by: Forge
Publication Date: February 15, 2022
Number of Pages: 304
ISBN: 978-1250238894
Series: Margaret Truman's Capital Crimes, #32 | Each is a stand alone work.
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:


December, 2016

The tanker lumbered through the night, headlights cutting a thin swath out of the storm raging around it.

“I can’t raise them, sir,” said Corporal Larry Kleinhurst, walkie-talkie still pressed tight against his ear.

“Try again,” Captain Frank Hall said from the wheel.

“Red Dog Two, this is Red Dog One, do you read me? Repeat, do you read me?”

No voice greeted him in response.

Kleinhurst pressed the walkie-talkie tighter. “Red Dog Three, this is Red Dog One, do you read me? Repeat, do you read me?”

Nothing again.

Kleinhurst lowered the walkie-talkie, as if to inspect it. “What’s the range on these things?”

“Couple miles, maybe a little less in this slop.”

“How’d we lose both our lead and follow teams?”

Hall remained silent in the driver’s seat, squeezing the steering wheel tighter. Procedure dictated that they rotate the driving duties in two-hour shifts, this one being the last before they reached their destination.

“We must be off the route, must have followed the wrong turn-off,” Kleinhurst said, squinting into the black void around them.

Hall snapped a look the corporal’s way. “Or the security teams did,” he said defensively.

“Both of them?” And when Hall failed to respond, he continued, “Unless somebody took them out.”

“Give it a rest, Corporal.”

“We could be headed straight for an ambush.”

“Or I fucked up and took the wrong turn-off. That’s what you’re saying.”

“I’m saying we could be lost, sir,” Kleinhurst told him, leaving it there.

He strained to see through the big truck’s windshield. They had left the Tooele Army Depot in Tooele County, Utah right on schedule at four o’clock pm for the twelve-hour journey to Umatilla, Oregon which housed the Umatilla Chemical Depot, destination of whatever they were hauling in the tanker. The actual final resting place of those contents, Kleinhurst knew, was actually the Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility located on the depot’s grounds, about which rumors ran rampant. He’d never spoken to anyone who’d actually seen its inner workings, but the tales of what had already been disposed of there was enough to make his skin crawl, weapons that could wipe out the world’s population several times over.

Which told Kleinhurst all he needed to know about whatever it was they were hauling, now without any security escort.

“We’re following the map, Corporal,” Hall said from behind the wheel, as if needing to explain himself further, a nervous edge creeping into his voice.

He kept playing with the lights in search of a beam level that could better reveal what lay ahead. But the storm gave little back, continuing to intensify the further they drew into the night. Mapping out a route the old-fashioned way might have been primitive by today’s standards, but procedure dictated they avoid the likes of Waze and Google Maps out of fear anything web-based could be hacked to the point where they might be rerouted to where potential hijackers were lying in wait.

Another thump atop the ragged, unpaved road shook Hall and Kleinhurst in their seats. They had barely settled back down when a heftier jolt jarred the rig mightily to the left. Hall managed to right it with a hard twist of the wheel that squeezed the blood from his hands.

“Captain . . .”

“This is the route they gave us, Corporal.”

Kleinhurst laid the map between them. “Not if I’m reading this right. With all due respect, sir, I believe we should turn back.”

Hall cast him a condescending stare. “This your first Red Dog run, son?”

“Yes, sir, it is.”

“When you’re hauling a shipment like what we got, you don’t turn back, no matter what. When they call us, it’s because they never want to see whatever we’re carrying again.”

With good reason, Kleinhurst thought. Among the initial chemicals stored at Umatilla, and the first to be destroyed at the chemical agent disposal facility housed there, were containers of GB and VX nerve agents, along with HD blister agent. The Tooele Army Depot, where their drive had originated, meanwhile, served as a storage site for war reserve and training munitions, supposedly devoted to conventional ordnance. In point of fact, the military also stored nonconventional munitions there in secret, a kind of way station for chemical weapons deemed too dangerous to store anywhere else.

The normal route from Tooele to Umatilla would have taken just over ten hours via I-84 west. But a Red Dog run required a different route entirely off the main roads in order to avoid population centers. The point was to steer clear of anywhere people resided to avoid the kind of attention an accident or spill would have otherwise caused, necessitating a much more winding route Hall and Kleinhurst hadn’t been given until moments prior to their departure. A helicopter had accompanied them through the first stages of the drive, chased away when a mountain storm the forecasts had made no mention of whipped up out of nowhere and caught the convoy in its grasp. Now two-thirds of that convoy had dropped off the map, leaving the tanker alone, unsecured, and exposed, deadly contents and all.

Kleinhurst’s mouth was so dry, he could barely swallow. “What exactly are we carrying, sir?”

Hall smirked. “If I knew the answer to that, I wouldn’t be driving this rig.”

Kleinhurst’s eyes darted to the radio. “What about calling in?”

“We’re past the point of no return. That means radio silence, soldier. They don’t hear a peep from us until we get where we’re going.”

Kleinhurst watched the rig’s wipers slap at the pelting rain collecting on the windshield, only to have a fresh layer form the instant they had completed their sweep. “Even in an emergency? Even if we lost our escorts miles back in this slop?”

“Let me give it to you straight,” Hall snapped, a sharper edge entering his voice. “The stuff we’re hauling in this tanker doesn’t exist. That means we don’t exist. That means we talk to nobody. Got it?”

“Yes, sir,” Kleinhurst sighed.

“Good,” said Hall. “We get where we’re supposed to go and figure things out from there. But right now . . .” His voice drifted, as he stole a glance at the map.

Suddenly Kleinhurst lurched forward, straining the bonds of his shoulder harness to peer through the windshield. “Jesus Christ, up there straight ahead!”



“At what?”

“Can’t you see it?”

“I can’t see shit through this muck, Corporal.”

“Slow down.”

Hall stubbornly held to his speed.

“Slow down, for God’s sake. Can’t you see it?”

“I can’t see a thing!”

“That’s it, like the world before us is gone. You need to stop!”

Hall hit the brakes and the rig’s tires locked up, sending the tanker into a vicious skid across the road. He tried to work the steering wheel, but it fought him every inch of the way, turning the skid into a spin through an empty wave of darkness.

“There!” Kleinhurst screamed.

“What in God’s name,” Hall rasped, still fighting to steer when a mouth opened out of the storm like a vast maw.

He desperately worked the brake and the clutch, trying to regain control. He’d been out in hurricanes, tornados, even earthquakes. None of those, though, compared to the sense of airlessness both he and Kleinhurst felt around them, almost as if they were floating over a massive vacuum that was sucking them downward. He’d done his share of parachute jumps for his airborne training and the sensation was eerily akin to those first few moments in freefall before the chute deployed. He remembered the sense of not so much being unable to breathe, as being trapped between breaths for an absurdly long moment.

The rig’s nose pitched downward, everything in the cab sent rattling. The dashboard lights flickered and died, the world beyond lost to darkness as the tanker dropped into oblivion.

And then there was nothing.


“The hand of God is upon You! He is my shepherd and I shall not want!”

Those were the last words high school sophomore Ben McDonald heard before the shooting started. He and the other students clustered around him from the Gilman School in Maryland were on a school field trip to the Capitol Building from their Baltimore prep school, the first such trip taken since academic life returned to a degree of normalcy following the endless coronavirus nightmare. Everyone had shown up in their school uniforms, the buses had left on schedule, and the students felt like pioneers, explorers blazing a trail back into the world beyond shutdowns and social distancing.

The reduction in Capitol tour group size was still in force and had necessitated the two bus-loads of students to be divided into five groups of fifteen, give or take, three chaperones allotted to each. Ben and his twin brother Robbie’s group had gone first and they had found themselves lingering on the Capitol steps, taking pictures and chatting away with their local congressman and senator who’d come out to greet and mingle with the students on the steps at the building’s east front.

“Why are you still wearing a mask?” one of them had asked the congressman, but Ben had already forgotten the answer.

He remembered checking the time on his phone just before he heard the first shots. Ben thought they were firecrackers at first, realizing the truth a breath later when the screams began and bodies started flying.

“I am doing the Lord’s work! I am a sacrifice to his word!”

Somehow Ben gleaned those words through the screams and incessant hail of fire. The shots were coming so fast he wasn’t sure if the shooter was firing on semi or full auto. The boy never actually saw him as more than a shape amid the blur before him, enveloping his vision like a dull haze. The thin sheer curtain drawn over his eyes didn’t keep him from recording bodies crumpling, keeling over, tumbling down the steps. The force of a bullet’s momentum slammed a classmate into him, sparing Ben the ensuing fusillade that turned the other boy’s back into a pin cushion.

My brother!

The panic and shock of those initial seconds had stolen thought of Robbie from him. He wheeled about, covered in the blood of boy who had dropped off the scene.


Did he cry out his name or only think it? The steps around him looked blanketed in khaki and blue, pants and blazers that made up his Gilman uniform. The sound of gunfire continued to resound in his ears, but he wasn’t sure the shooter was still firing because no more bodies seemed to be falling. People were running in all directions, crying and screaming, Ben remaining frozen out of fear for his brother.


He saw his brother’s sandy blond hair draped down from one of the marble steps onto another. Nothing else at first, just the hair. Maybe he had dove atop a friend who’d been wounded to spare that kid more fire—that was Robbie. But there was no one beneath Him, and . . . And . . .

He wasn’t moving, his arms stretched to the sides on angles that looked all wrong. Ben dropped to his knees next to Robbie, his pants sinking into pooling patches of blood which merged and thickened beneath him. He felt something pinching him along right side of his ribcage and saw his blue shirt darkening with a spreading wave of red in the last moment before he collapsed next to his brother.


Excerpt from MURDER AT THE CDC by Jon Land. Copyright 2022 by Jon Land. Reproduced with permission from Jon Land. All rights reserved.



Author Bio:

Jon Land

JON LAND is the USA Today bestselling author of fifty-eight books, including eleven in the critically acclaimed Texas Ranger Caitlin Strong series, the most recent of which, Strong from the Heart, won the 2020 American Fiction Award for Best Thriller and the 2020 American Book Fest Award for Best Mystery/Suspense Novel. Additionally, he has teamed up with Heather Graham for a science fiction series that began with THE RISING (winner of the 2017 International Book Award for best Sci-fi Novel) and continues with BLOOD MOON, to be published in November of 2022. He has also written six books in the Murder, She Wrote series of mysteries and has more recently taken over Margaret Truman's Capital Crimes series, with his second effort, MURDER AT THE CDC, to be published in February of 2022. Jon is known as well for writing the film DIRTY DEEDS, a teen comedy starring Milo Ventimiglia and Zoe Saldana, which was released in 2005. A graduate of Brown University, he received the 2019 Rhode Island Authors Legacy Award for his lifetime of literary achievements.

Catch Up With Our Author:
BookBub - @JonLand2
Twitter - @JonDLand
Facebook - @JonLandAuthor



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Thursday, 24 February 2022

Forever Yours (A Novel in 3 Parts) by Alisha Kay, Shilpa Suraj, Andaleeb Wajid

A fake engagement has gotten disturbingly real…

When a pretend engagement ends in a very real combined bachelor/bachelorette weekend in Goa, three couples find their lives going from chaotic to disastrous…

Hatefully Yours by Alisha Kay is the quintessential enemies to lovers story with a very interesting twist.
Aditi and Manan hate each other but love their mutual best friend, Karthik. Planning his bachelor party is a trip to hell sprinkled with accidental kisses that taste of heaven. Past misunderstandings, present attraction, and a future built on hope all tangles together to make this weekend one to remember.

Sinfully Yours by Shilpa Suraj is the story of a one night stand turning into nights that they hope never end.
Sidharth is Bollywood’s biggest hit-turned-overnight-flop. His best friend Sanjana’s bachelorette in Goa is the perfect place for him to hide out and drink his sorrows away. Until he passes out in the arms of the extremely hot pixie who moonlights as a bartender in a shack in Goa. And Dani is left with an armful of drunk movie star who is as messed up as he is hot.

Deceitfully Yours by Andaleeb Wajid is the story of what happens when a fake relationship starts to feel very, very real.
Sanjana and Karthik just wanted their parents to stop talking marriage to them. So, they faked an engagement and now their parents are not talking marriage but planning a wedding instead. When their friends throw them a combined bachelor and bachelorette party, they use the opportunity to plan their breakup. Except behind all well laid plans lies the path to disaster.
Three love stories, three oddball couples, one epic weekend in Goa…
Will they find their heart’s twisted path or focus on the brain’s straight-but-boring one? Will they gamble on their happily-ever-after or choose to leave Goa as they came, single and not ready to mingle?

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Short Excerpt from Hatefully Yours by Alisha Kay

She was going to kill Karthik. He could at least have warned her that he had invited Manan to join them.
It was high time Karthik pulled his head out of his ass and accepted that he couldn’t make his best friends like each other by forcing them to spend time together.
Aditi sighed at the thought of yet another uncomfortable encounter where she tiptoed around Manan, while he scowled at her as if she was a mass murderer. She was so done with this crap. She’d catch up with Karthik some other time when this big galoot wasn’t around.
She stood up and tried to walk past Manan with her head held high. Only to be brought up short by the strange sound coming from his mouth.
She froze in fury and turned towards him slowly.
“Excuse me? Did you… did you just cluck at me?”
The corner of Manan’s mouth turned up lazily as he nodded.
“Like a chicken?” she clarified.
“Uh-huh. If the shoe fits,” he said with a shrug.
“What shoe?”
“You’re running away. Like a scared chicken,” he explained helpfully.
Aditi wanted to slam her purse into his smug face, but she remembered, just in time, that she did not believe in violence as a solution to any problem.”

Alisha Kay writes funny, exciting and steamy stories, with spunky heroines who can rescue themselves, and hot, woke heroes who find such independence irresistible.
The first book in The Devgarh Royals series, The Maharaja’s Fake Fiancée, won the grand prize at the Amazon KDP Pen to Publish Contest 2020.

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Short Excerpt from Sinfully Yours by Shilpa Suraj

She laughed, a bright sound in the dark night and Sid couldn’t stop himself anymore. He wanted to soak in the joy, the sheer light that beamed out of her. He leaned in close, closer than he should have but other than a slight widening of her eyes, Dani didn’t move. She just kept watching him, a small smile on those soft, lush lips. 

“May I?” he whispered. 

She nodded, her eyes gently closing in anticipation. 

And Sid kissed her. Her lips met his in acceptance, in warmth, in sensation that drowned them both. He sank into the kiss, his arms going around her as she burrowed into him, one hand clutching his hair and pulling him closer. 

He responded in kind until it felt like they were impossibly close, no space between them. Nothing in all his years of gadding about like a wandering tomcat had prepared him for this. For her. 

And then a wave crashed over them, wetting them and bringing them out of their dreamlike haze. 

Sid started to laugh even as he pulled a spluttering Dani to her feet. She leaned in close to him, shaking her wet hair like a little puppy. Droplets hit his face and his smile faded. One finger trailing her cheek, he captured her lips again. 

Bliss. This was bliss. 

Shilpa Suraj wears many hats - corporate drone, homemaker, mother to a fabulous toddler and author.

An avid reader with an overactive imagination, Shilpa has weaved stories in her head since she was a child. Her previous stints at Google, in an ad agency and as an entrepreneur provide colour to her present day stories, both fiction and non-fiction.

Contact the Author:
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Short Excerpt from Deceitfully Yours by Andaleeb Wajid

‘You’re scared of butterflies?’ he asked in a low voice that sent her pulse racing.
She nodded. The moment was intact. He continued to explore her skin lightly, making her hunger for more. 
‘I’m terrified of them,’ she whispered. 
‘How odd,’ he whispered back. 
She wanted to tell him it wasn’t odd at all and that butterflies were just prettily coloured furry large insects that flew about and more people should be terrified of them. But she lost her train of thought as he gripped the back of her head gently and pulled her down.
Their lips were just a few breaths away from each other when he whispered. 
‘Butterflies are beautiful. Like you.’
She wondered if he could feel her stomach flip at his words.
‘They’re scary,’ she said. ‘But I can be scary if I want to.’
He smiled at her words and then his hand pressed her head closer and their lips touched. 

Andaleeb Wajid is the author of 27 published novels and she writes across different genres such as romance, YA and horror. Her horror novel It Waits was shortlisted at Mami Word to Screen 2017 and her Young Adult series, The Tamanna Trilogy has been optioned for screen by a reputed production house. Andaleeb's novel When She Went Away was shortlisted for The Hindu Young World Prize in 2017. Andaleeb is a hybrid author who has self-published more than 10 novels in the past two years.

Andaleeb on the Web:
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Monday, 21 February 2022

Whisper a Kiss by Laura Haley-McNeil


He broke a promise to save her life.

Hunter Whitloch’s Wall Street career is on the fast track until he learns about his boss’, Egon Gregory, underhanded dealings. Hunter’s and Egon’s confrontation means Hunter must turn a blind eye or return to Crystal Creek and walk away from a lucrative career and the only woman he’s ever loved⸻Egon’s daughter, Bryce. He won’t let her make a choice between him and her father, so he makes that choice for her.
Bryce watched Hunter walk out of her life and never expected to see him again⸻until he shows up at her father’s funeral. The mystery deepens when Bryce learns her father asked Hunter to return to New York⸻the night her father died. The authorities have ruled Egon’s death a suicide but attempts on her life unearth more questions than answers⸻namely who can she trust? The man who abandoned her a year ago, or her father’s right-hand man who wants to seize control of the company from her?
Hunter has to return to Crystal Creek, but he won’t leave Bryce as bait to someone who wants her dead. But Crystal Creek isn’t the haven he expected, and soon he and Bryce race against the clock to find out what secret died with Egon, and how to endure the pain that has them fighting to protect their hearts and their lives. 

Book Links:
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Welcome to Crystal Creek!
Hunter loves Bryce more than anything, but to protect her, he had to walk away.
Now he’s back.

Chapter One

Hunter Whitloch stood on a knoll in the sweltering June heat and looked over the New York graveyard. The small group of elegantly dressed mourners gathered around Egon Gregory’s casket didn’t hide his daughter, Bryce. She tipped her chin, her blonde hair skimming her shoulders, and stared bravely ahead. Hunter would’ve known she was here even if they’d been surrounded by thousands of people. He had a sense when Bryce was near.
He pushed down the stirring of sensations rising in his chest. He hadn’t seen her in a year, but his feelings for her hadn’t changed.
Dressed in black, a thin veil covering her face, she clutched the hand of Egon’s closest friend, Percy Wright. Hunter wondered what Percy would say when he saw Hunter had attended the funeral. Probably not much. When Hunter had worked for Gregory Enterprises, Percy rarely spoke to him.
Hunter felt a vague disquiet, drew in a breath, then strolled down the hill. He’d come to pay his condolences to Egon Gregory, the man who had taken him under his wing and taught him how to earn a few million. That knowledge would’ve satisfied Hunter if he hadn’t discovered the machinations of the underbelly of Gregory Enterprises.
Maybe Hunter was the only one with a conscience.
Once he discovered how Egon Gregory made his billions, he couldn’t condone the underhanded deals and walked away from a career most people would’ve killed for⸻including Hunter.
When he reached the gathering, he felt the stares, listened to the murmurings. Some smiled. Others frowned. He heard the minister’s prayer, but didn’t catch the words. His gaze shifted to Bryce, to the elegant curve of her neck, her graceful poise, and the emotions he’d buried surged to the surface. 
He closed his eyes and uttered an oath. He was a fool to think his feelings for Bryce Gregory could have vanished when he left New York with a promise never to return—yet here he was with his memories in tow.
Feeling a stare, he looked up to see the disapproving glower of the woman in front of him. He tried to smile. He hadn’t thought he’d said anything, but Bryce had that power over him. What he thought, and what he felt, always reminded him there was no way to get Bryce out of his system.
The minister closed the service with an amen. Others echoed the closing, then a soft murmuring waffled through the crowd as the mourners shook hands and embraced. Several formed a line in front of Bryce and offered their condolences. Hunter recognized most in attendance⸻Sylvia Fisher, Calvin Spratt, Jarrod Morris⸻chums Hunter and Bryce knew from college.
Bryce clutched a handkerchief in her small, white hand. Her smile sad, she dabbed her tears and nodded her gratitude.
The crowd thinned, but Hunter didn’t move. He could only watch Bryce who, even when she grieved, looked beautiful. She moved to the casket. Slipping a rose from the funeral spray, she laid it on the crown. Her head bowed in sorrow, she turned away. As if feeling someone watched her, she lifted her gaze.
Her brown eyes looked straight at him.
“Hunter?” She blinked in surprise.
A muscle worked in his jaw. He should’ve told her he was coming or at least asked if he could. Showing up was a tactless decision to pay condolences to the man whom he’d admired and with whom he disagreed on almost everything. A year had passed since he’d tossed his resignation letter on Egon’s desk. The older man had been surprised at first, and then laughed.
Hunter wasn’t laughing. Egon had been charming in a ruthless sort of way. The bottom line ruled his world. His list of enemies grew by the day.
“Hello, Bryce,” he said, his voice low and husky. Saying her name was like catching his heart on a jagged corner.
“I … I didn’t …” Her voice filling with the sorrow he felt, she shook her head, her eyes swimming in tears.
“I just wanted …” His voice faded. The old, familiar feelings churned in his chest.
Someone behind Hunter cleared his throat. He almost felt relieved. He’d paid his condolences to the kingpin of the financial world, but that education taught Hunter that the man he admired also lacked a heart. Hunter wouldn’t be party to the schemes that destroyed more people than they helped.
With a slight nod at Bryce, he stepped away from her. He didn’t miss her bleak glance, but there could never be anything between them. When Hunter resigned, Egon had made him swear he’d never have anything to do with Bryce again. Hunter had agreed. He wouldn’t drag Bryce into this tug-of-war between him and her father.
But walking away had been the hardest thing he’d ever done. How he had the strength, he didn’t know.
He sucked air through his teeth. He felt all over again the desolation that had surged through him when he’d left. He had thought he was strong enough to see Bryce again without her closeness opening old wounds.
The couple who had stood behind Hunter stepped to Bryce. With a look of shock, she pulled her gaze to them, fresh tears in her eyes as she hugged the woman and clasped the man’s hand.
“Hunter Whitloch, what a surprise.” A man’s rough voice brought Hunter’s head around.
“Percy.” He stared into the pale blue eyes of Egon’s right-hand man. The way the man looked at him made him catch his breath.
“I didn’t expect to see you here, especially under the circumstances.” Percy’s patrician features firmed with arrogant condescension.
“Why is that?” Hunter asked, feigning bemusement. Percy had always been cagey about what he did and didn’t know.
“I don’t have to tell you what you already know.” The skin around Percy’s eyes tightened with impatience.
“If not you, then maybe someone else,” Hunter said graciously. “Of course, I would honor Egon with my last respects. Though we didn’t agree on much, I still admired the man.” He admired anyone who came from nothing but managed to build an empire.
Percy gave a soft snort.
Hunter blinked slowly but remained silent. Percy thrived on confrontation and seemed to feel great satisfaction when he could put someone on the defensive.
Looking past Percy to Bryce, Hunter watched her turn away from the casket looking bereft. A hollowness rose inside him. The first day he met Bryce in college, he saw that hurt look in her eyes. That she hadn’t been born a boy to please her father seemed to hurt most of all.
Percy’s gaze followed his. When he saw Hunter watched Bryce, his mouth curved. “Old feelings die hard.” He gave a dry laugh.
“Or they become immortal,” Hunter said and watched a young man he didn’t recognize approach her.
Whatever the man said made Bryce smile sadly and shake her head. The man nodded slightly and withdrew.
On the other side of the casket, Calvin Spratt paced nervously. He slipped a finger inside his collar and cast furtive glances at Bryce. When the young man left Bryce’s side, Calvin took a step toward her until another couple moved in. Their murmurings filled with regret, they seemed to share fond memories of Egon from another time and place.
Calvin stopped short, frustration in his eyes. He looked around until his gaze met Hunter’s. He gave a slight nod and moved toward him. When Percy faced him, deep lines etched into Calvin’s face. Giving a dismissive wave, he turned away and strode through the headstones to the cars parked along the narrow lane.
“He better leave,” Percy said, a satisfied look on his face. “He’s the reason Egon is dead.”
Hunter’s pulse picked up its pace. “How is that Calvin’s fault? The internet sites said Egon died of natural causes.”
“They copied my press release.” Percy narrowed his eyes at him. “If you read that, then you don’t know.”
“What should I know?” Hunter frowned at him.
“Egon was found in his office, a gun in his hand.”
Hunter’s pulse jumped.
A soft gasp sounded. Hunter’s head came up, and he stared into Bryce’s dark eyes. Her face snow-white, she touched delicate fingers to the base of her throat.

About the Author:

A native of California, Laura Haley-McNeil spent her youth studying ballet and piano, though her favorite pastime was curling up with a good book. Without a clue as to how to write a book, she knew one day she would.
After college, she segued into the corporate world, but she never forgot her love for the arts and served on the board of two community orchestras. Finally realizing that the book she’d dreamt of writing wouldn’t write itself, she planted herself in front of her computer. She now immerses herself in the lives and loves of her characters in her romantic suspense and her contemporary romance novels. Many years later, she lived her own romantic novel when she married her piano teacher, the love of her life.
Though she and her husband have left warm California for cooler Colorado, they enjoy the outdoor life of hiking, bicycling, horseback riding and snow skiing. They satisfy their love of music by attending concerts and hanging out with their musician friends, but Laura still catches a few free moments when she can sneak off and read. 

Laura on the Web:
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Sunday, 20 February 2022

Trust Me by Kelly Irvin

Trust Me

by Kelly Irvin

February 7 - March 4, 2022 Virtual Book Tour


Trust Me by Kelly Irvin

When her best friend is murdered the same way her brother was, who can she possibly trust?

A decade ago, Delaney Broward discovered her brother’s murdered body at the San Antonio art co-op he founded with friends. Her artist boyfriend, Hunter Nash, went to prison for the murder, despite his not-guilty plea.

This morning, Hunter walks out of prison a free man, having served his sentence.

This afternoon, Delaney finds her best friend dead, murdered in the same fashion as her brother.

Stay out of it or you're next, the killer warns.

Hunter never stopped loving Delaney, though he can’t blame her for not forgiving her. He knows he’ll get his life back one day at a time, one step at a time. But he’s blindsided to realize he’s a murder suspect. Again.

When Hunter shows up on her doorstep asking her to help him find the real killer, Delaney’s head says to run away, yet her heart tells her there’s more to his story than what came out in the trial. An uneasy truce leads to their probe into a dark past that shatters Delaney’s image of her brother. She can’t stop and neither can Hunter—which lands them both in the crosshairs of a murderer growing more desperate by the hour.

In this gripping romantic suspense, Kelly Irvin plumbs the complexity of broken trust in the people we love—and in God—and whether either can be mended.

Book Details:

Genre: Mystery, Suspense
Published by: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: February 8th 2022
Number of Pages: 384
ISBN: 0785231935 (ISBN13: 9780785231936)
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads

Read an excerpt:


APRIL 22, 2010

The cloying stench of pot told the same old story.

With an irritated sigh Delaney Broward quickened her pace through the warehouse-turned-art-co-op toward her brother’s studio at the far end of the cavernous hall. On his best days Corey had little sense of time. Add a joint to the mix and he lost his sense not only of time but of responsibility. It also explained why he didn’t answer his phone. When he got high and started painting, he wanted no interruptions. His lime-green VW van was parked cattywampus across two spaces in the lot that faced Alamo Street just south of downtown San Antonio. He might be physically present, but his THC-soaked mind had escaped its cell.

Marijuana served as his muse and taskmaster. Or so he’d said.

The soles of her huarache sandals clacking on the concrete floor sounded loud in Delaney’s ears. “Corey? Corey! You were supposed to pick us up at Ellie’s. Come on, dude. She’s waiting.”

No answer.

At this rate Delaney would never get to Night in Old San Antonio, affectionately known to most local folks as NIOSA. Everyone who was anyone knew it was pronounced NI-O-SA, long I and long O, the best party-slash-fundraiser during the mother of all parties where her boyfriend would be waiting for her. “Hey, bro, I’m starving. Let’s go.”

Delaney’s phone rang. She slowed and dug it from the pocket of her stonewashed jeans. Speaking of Ellie. “I’m at the co-op now. He’s here.”

Share as little info as possible.

“He’s stoned again, isn’t he? I’m sick of this.” Ellie’s shrill voice rose even higher. “I swear if he stands me up again— ”

Us. Stands us up.”

“Stood us up again. That will be it. I’m done. I’m done waiting around for him. I’m done playing second fiddle to his self-destructive habits. I’m done with his starving-artist, free-spirit, pothead schtick. The man is a walking stereotype. I’m done with him, period.”

Delaney mouthed the words along with her friend. She knew the lyrics of this lovesick song by heart. The childish rejoinder “It takes one to know one” stuck in her throat. “We’ll be there in twenty. You can tell him yourself.”

Ellie would and then Corey would kiss her until she took it all back. With a final huff Ellie hung up.

The door to his studio— the largest and with the best light because the co-op was Corey’s dream child— stood open. “Seriously, Corey. Think of someone besides yourself once in a while, please.” Delaney strode through the door, ready to ream her brother up one side and down the other. “You are so selfish.”

Delaney halted. At first blush it didn’t make sense. Twisted and smashed canvases littered the floor. Along with paints, brushes, beer bottles, and Thai food take-out cartons.

Wooden easels were broken like toothpicks and scattered on top of the canvases. Someone had splattered red paint over another finished piece— a woman eating a raspa in front of a vendor’s mobile cart, the Alamo in the background.

Delaney’s hands went to her throat. The metallic scent of blood mingled with the odor of human waste gagged her. A fiery shiver started at her toes and raced like a lit fuse to her brain. Her mind took in detail after detail. That way she didn’t have to face the bigger picture staring her in the face. “Please, God, no.”

Even He couldn’t fix this.

She shot forward, stumbled, and fell to her knees. Her legs refused to work. She crawled the remainder of the distance to Corey across a floor marred by still-wet oil paint, beer, and other liquids she couldn’t bear to identify.

He sat with his back against the wall. His long legs clad in paint-splattered jeans sprawled in front of him. His feet were bare. His hands with those thin, expressive fingers lay in his lap. Deep lacerations scored his palms and fingers.

Her throat aching with the effort not to vomit, Delaney forced her gaze to move upward. His T-shirt, once white, now shone scarlet with blood. His blood. Rips in the shirt left his chest exposed, revealing stab wounds— too many to count.

Delaney opened her mouth. Scream. Just scream. Let it out.

No sound emerged.

She crawled alongside her big brother until she could lean her shoulder and head against the wall. “Corey?” she whispered.

His green eyes, fringed by thick, dark lashes that were the envy of every woman he’d ever dated, were open and startled. His skin, always pale and ethereal, had a blue tinge to it.

Delaney drowned in a tsunami of nausea. “Come on, Corey, this isn’t funny. I need you.”

Her teeth chattered. Hands shaking, she touched his throat. His skin was cold. So cold.

Too late, too late, too late. The words screamed in her head. Stop it. Just stop it. “You can’t be dead. You’re not allowed to die.”

Mom and Dad had died in a car wreck a week past her eighth birthday. Nana and Pops had taken their turns the year Delaney turned eighteen. Everybody she cared about died.

Not Corey. Delaney punched in 9–1–1.

The operator’s assurance that help was on the way did nothing to soothe Delaney. She sat cross-legged and dragged Corey’s shoulders and head into her lap. She had to warm him up. “Tell them to hurry. Tell them my brother needs help.”

“Yes, ma’am. They’re en route.”

“Tell them he’s all I’ve got.”



Real men didn’t cry. Not even during a reunion with a beloved truck.

Swallowing hard, Hunter Nash wrapped his fingers around the keys, concentrating on the feel of the metal pressing into his skin. He cleared his throat. “Thanks, Mom. For keeping it all these years.”

His mom didn’t bother to try to hide her tears. She wiped her plump cheeks on a faded dish towel, offered him a tremulous smile, and bustled down the sidewalk that led from the house on San Antonio’s near west side where Hunter had grown up to the detached two-car garage in the back. It had housed his truck for the past eight years. Almost ten if he counted the two years it took for his case to go to trial. He had no place to go in those years when he’d allegedly been innocent until proven guilty. His friends no longer friends and his job gone, he had no need for transportation.

The door to the garage was padlocked. Mom handed him the key. “My hands are shaking. You’d better do the honors.” She stepped back. “I still can’t believe you’re here.”

“I did my time, Ma.” As a model prisoner he’d earned time off for good behavior. It was easy for a guy to behave when he spent his days and nights scared spitless.

“I know. All those nights I’ve lain in bed worrying about you in that place, whether you were safe, if you were hurt, if you were sick.” Her voice broke. “I can’t believe it’s over.”

“Me neither.”

It wasn’t over. In fact, it was just beginning, but she didn’t need to know that. His determination to prove his innocence would only worry her more. A divorced mother of four, she’d raised her kids on a teacher’s salary and an occasional child support check from the crud-for-brains ex-husband who showed up once every couple of years in an attempt to make nice with his kids. She deserved a break.

The aging manual garage door squeaked and protested when Hunter yanked on the handle. He needed to do some work around here, starting with applying some WD-40. The smell of mold and old motor oil wafted from the dark interior. Hunter slipped inside and waited for his eyes to adjust. A layer of dust covered the 2002 midnight-blue Dodge RAM 1500, but otherwise it remained in the pristine condition in which he’d left it the night he said goodbye and promised he’d be back. “My baby.”

More tears trickling down her face, Mom chuckled softly. “After you finish reintroducing yourself, come back inside. I’m making your favorite chicken-fried steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, pineapple coleslaw, and creamed corn. Your brother and sisters are coming over after work. Shawna’s bringing a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Melissa’s contribution is three kinds of ice cream, including rocky road. She said it seemed appropriate. I hope you haven’t lost your sense of humor. And you know Curtis. He’s all about the beer.”

The last thing Hunter wanted to do was celebrate with his sibs. Mel and Shawna had visited faithfully at first, but less as the years rolled by. Curtis never showed, even though Fabian Dominguez State Jail was only a few miles down the road from San Antonio.

Nor did Hunter want to explain why he’d sworn off alcohol. The conditions of his parole included monthly pee tests— no alcohol or drugs, but that part of his life was over anyway. It had been easy to comply in prison, obviously. Whether he could maintain his sobriety in the beer drinking capital of the country remained to be seen. He’d do AA if necessary. “Mom— ”

“No buts. They’re family. They love you. You need to live life, enjoy life, make up for all you’ve missed. You haven’t even met most of your nieces and nephews. Did you know Mel is expecting another baby in August?”

“Yes, I— ”

“Today we celebrate your new job and your new life.”

His bachelor of fine arts with an emphasis in drawing and painting from Southwest School of Art might once have allowed him to teach art in one of the school districts, but not anymore.

It didn’t matter. The prison chaplain had hooked him up with Pastor James. The preacher ran a faith-based community center that served at-risk youth. He’d hired Hunter to teach art to those who’d already had their first brush with the law. He figured Hunter could teach life lessons at the same time he introduced them to art as a way to channel their anger at the hand life had dealt them. Learning what happened when a guy got off track would be the lesson.

Even though Hunter hadn’t gotten off the track. He’d been shoved off it. By an eager-beaver, newbie detective; a green-as-a-Granny-Smith-apple public defender; and an assembly-line justice system.

He would get by in this world that had hung him out to dry. Especially knowing Mom had his back. She had that don’t-mess-with-me teacher look in her burnt-amber eyes. Like her sixth graders, Hunter knew better than to argue. It felt good to know she remained in his corner. When everyone else had hit the ground, scattering in opposite directions, she never budged in her belief that son number two could not be a murderer. She’d brought him up better than that.

“You’re right. Give me a few minutes.”

She patted his chest and stretched on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on his cheek. Her lips were chapped, and the wrinkles had deepened around her mouth and eyes. Her long hair had gone pure white during his years away. “Take your time, sweetheart.”

Hunter gritted his teeth. After years of looking over his shoulder, bobbing and weaving around hard-core convicts who’d as soon shank a guy in the shower as look at him, he didn’t know how to cope with nice. With sweet. With love tempered with wisdom and a hard life.

“One day at a time.” That’s what the prison chaplain had told him. “Get through the next minute, the next hour, the next day.” That’s how he did eight years at Dominguez. This couldn’t be any harder. He opened the truck’s door and slid into the driver’s seat. The faint odor of pine air freshener greeted him. And citrus.

More likely that was his imagination. Delaney’s perfume simply could not linger that long. Move on. She has. She did. To her credit Delaney held on as long as she could— until the guilty verdict. Then she was forced to move on. She couldn’t be blamed for that.

Hunter picked up the sketch pad on the passenger seat. In those days he kept one everywhere. Just in case. The first page. The second. The third. All drawings of Delaney. Sweet Laney eating a slice of watermelon at a Fourth of July celebration. Laney rocking Hunter’s newborn nephew in a hickory rocker on the front porch. Laney in a bathing suit sitting on the dock at Medina Lake. Laney with her soulful eyes, long sandy-brown hair, and air of sad vulnerability worn like a pair of old jeans that fit perfectly. That too-big nose, wide mouth, and pointed chin. Corey might have been the angelic beauty— totally unfair— but Delaney’s face had character. She had a face Hunter never ceased to want to draw and paint.

And kiss.

He turned the pages slowly, allowing the memories to have their way with him. Meeting at a party Corey had thrown when Delaney was a senior in high school. Their first date, ribs and smoked chicken with heart-stopping creamed corn, potato salad, coleslaw, and jalapeños at Rudy’s Country Store and Bar-B-Q followed by dancing at Leon Springs Dance Hall.

She had danced with the abandon of a small child. As if she didn’t care who watched. Her face glowed with perspiration. Her green eyes sparkled with happiness. His two left feet couldn’t keep up, but she didn’t mind. She twirled her peasant skirt as she flew around him, her hands in the air, her curves beckoning.

Hunter closed his eyes. Her softness enveloped him. Her sweetness surrounded him.

He needed to see her again. He needed to talk to her. Somehow he had to prove to her that she was wrong about him. Whatever it took. He laid the sketchbook aside. “Come on, dude, let’s take a ride.”

He stuck the key in the ignition and turned it.

Nothing. Not even a tick-tick-tick. He tried a second time. Nada. “I’m an idiot.” He patted the steering wheel. “Not your fault, man.”

The truck hadn’t been driven in years. The battery was dead. He might be able to jump it, but more likely he’d need a new one. Batteries cost money.

One thing at a time. He’d waited this long.

Hunter slid from the truck and eased the door closed. “I’ll be back when I get my act together.”

In the kitchen Hunter found his mom peeling potatoes. She pointed the peeler at him. “You can’t imagine how good it feels to have you home.”

“You can’t imagine how good it feels to be here.” He landed a kiss on her soft hair. She smelled of Pond’s cold cream. The same old comforting scent. Life had changed but not her. “I’m gonna take a walk. I need to blow the prison stink off.”

“Enjoy. They redid the walking trail at the lake and installed new outdoor fitness equipment.” She waved the paring knife in the air. “But don’t stay too long. You have company coming.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He pantomimed a mock salute and headed for the front door.

One thing at a time. One step at a time. That’s how he’d get his life back.


Excerpt from Trust Me by Kelly Irvin. Copyright 2022 by Kelly Irvin. Reproduced with permission from Thomas Nelson. All rights reserved.



Author Bio:

Kelly Irvin

Kelly Irvin is a bestselling, award-winning author of over twenty novels and stories. A retired public relations professional, Kelly lives with her husband, Tim, in San Antonio. They have two children, three grandchildren, and two ornery cats.

Visit her online at:
BookBub - @KellyIrvin
Instagram - @kelly_irvin
Twitter - @Kelly_TrustMe
Facebook - @Kelly.Irvin.Author



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Thursday, 17 February 2022

The Sphere of Spirit by K.D.Peters


YA Fantasy Romance

Release Date: April 19, 2022

The Sphere is an ultimate weapon to destroy a world and requires the sacrifice of ten magical kids. Nine are missing and novice fae, Sophie, is the tenth.

Seventeen-year-old Sophie Emerson struggles to keep her clairvoyance a secret. Seeing the future belongs to the Dark Ones. But when Sophie’s visions display the nine missing kids from the village and place herself in the middle of it all, she has a choice to make. Reveal her secret and suffer the consequences or end up being the missing segment of a weapon that will bring forth the apocalypse.

About the Author

KD Peters loves the fantasy genre and is a young adult at heart. She dabbles in crossover genres with fantasy as one of her favorites. Mythical creatures like phoenixes and shape-shifting griffins are, among others, she created herself in The Sphere of Spirit. She’ll release her debut novel in the Legacy born series in 2022. If you want to know more about KD Peters, visit her website at where you can follow her on her social media accounts.

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Monday, 14 February 2022

Samson by Marteeka Karland


Contemporary Romance, Suspense, Motorcycle Club, Age Gap

Release Date: February 11, 2022

Charlotte: When I get into trouble, I go big. There was so much pain and fear, I turned my thoughts inward. To Samson. He’s my knight in shining armor. The one man I’ve ever felt a real connection to. Then he was there, killing those who hurt me and sweeping me up in his embrace of warmth and safety. But now he sees me as a victim. Not a woman. It’s up to me to prove I’m made of sterner stuff.

Samson: I had no intention of having sex with the little spitfire, but one look at Charlotte and I knew she was trouble. Our night was the kind of explosive a man can’t walk away from, but I tried. Right up until her daddy showed up telling me she was missing and the last person she was seen with was one of the prospects from Black Reign. Wrangler, the little asshole, had her squirreled away somewhere and I knew if I didn’t find her soon, I might never see her again.

Saving Charlotte from Wrangler will be a piece of cake -- after this his days are numbered. Which leaves me with time. Too much time. Time Charlotte’s dad will have to convince her to leave me and come back home. So, how do I fight off another man determined to take my woman from me when that man is her daddy?


Samson shook his head slightly, breaking eye contact with me. “Where’s your ride?”

I shrugged. “I walk. It’s not far, and I need the exercise.”

Not a smart idea, you know. Woman alone in the city.”

It is what it is, I guess,” I said. “I just have better things to spend money on than an Uber or a taxi.”

Yeah. Don’t take an Uber.” He sighed, turning his head away from me and shaking it slightly several times. It looked like he was having some kind of argument with himself. And losing. “Fuck,” he said with another shake of his head. “Get on,” he said. “I’ll take you home.”

What’s different about riding with a guy I don’t know on a motorcycle versus riding with a guy I don’t know in an Uber? Seems like the first option is more dangerous than the second.”

“‘Cause this guy you don’t know ain’t out to hurt you. Now get the fuck on.”

Yeah. Probably should argue, but I didn’t want to. I was thrilled! Not only did I get to ride a motorcycle, but I got to do it with quite possibly the sexiest man I’d ever met.

Samson was probably in his late thirties or early forties. He was bald, but had a neatly trimmed beard and intense, silver-blue eyes. He wore a sleeveless black T-shirt that showed off heavily muscled arms I was sure would feel like heaven wrapped around me. As I got on the bike behind him, he grabbed one of my arms by the wrist and pulled it around his body. Yep. His abdomen was as rock hard as those glorious arms were.

Where’s your home?” I gave him the address, and he nodded once. “Hang on.”

We took off smoothly. Soon, we were cruising down the road the mile and a half to my tiny apartment. Once there, I hadn’t nearly had my fill of groping his hard body. Which was kinda twisted, but I was good with it.

He turned off the bike, putting the kickstand down but making no move to get off. He steadied me as I climbed off the back, careful not to touch the pipes and burn my bare leg.

Thanks for the lift,” I said, grasping at something to say to prolong my time with him. He hadn’t spoken much, but I wanted to get to know this guy. It was like the intimacy of riding behind him was more telling than an hour-long conversation. While I was sure I’d enjoy the conversation, I found I wanted the physical stimuli more. I knew I was taking an offer of help and turning it into something it wasn’t, but I was sure he felt something for me. Maybe it was my youth he liked, or maybe I was just his type. But this man was interested in me. It was only for sex, but I could see it when he looked at me.

He grunted but said nothing else.

You want to come up for a cup of coffee?” Did I even have coffee in the apartment? No clue. I might be embarrassed if he said yes.

No,” he clipped, but he didn’t start his bike. Samson didn’t strike me as the indecisive type.

A beer, then.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Are you even old enough to drink beer?”

I shrugged. “I’ll be twenty-one in a couple of months. If I happen to acquire a six-pack a little bit early, what does it matter?”

Again, he grunted.

Then something caught his eye. I wasn’t sure what it was, but his gaze hardened and followed something behind me. I turned and saw a man walking down the sidewalk in front of my building. He wasn’t paying us any attention and kept going, but Samson seemed to have taken his presence as a threat.

Fine,” he said. “I’ll walk you up.”

I’ll be fine, you know. This is a pretty safe neighborhood. The studio apartment I rent is overpriced, but I figure it’s because the area is pretty secure.”

You can’t be too careful,” he quipped. “Come on. Besides, maybe I want that beer after all.”

When he took my arm and gently urged me forward, my heart sped up. Was this really happening? God, I hoped so! I wasn’t a virgin, but I knew I’d only scratched the surface of sex and pleasure. Could this guy do it for me? I was sure as shit turned on enough for him to. But would he?

Know that look, girl,” he said gruffly as we walked up the three flights to my tiny apartment. “You’re too young for what I want.”

I raised an eyebrow. “How do you know until you try?”

Oh, I know.” He waited until I opened the door, then followed me inside muttering, “I’m so fucked.”

About the Author

Erotic romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and irreverent style her English teachers tried so hard to rid her of.

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Sunday, 13 February 2022

For the Bright Ones by Sarah Ann Negus


May they come out of the shadows


DATE PUBLISHED: 14 February, 2022

This collection of poems came as a surprise to me.

When something is easy, brings joy and excitement I do more of it and that is what happened here. Poetry has been a life-long pleasure, but usually as a reader. I have dabbled in writing private pieces before, then these came.

Sometimes, there is a meeting of two people that changes everything.

This book is a result of one of those times. The words coming through on the music of a guitar; the notes and melodies acting as a muse; the song as an anchor to hold onto while playing with the creative force that is available to all of us. It opened a channel for me and the words dropped onto the page. Most times, I felt vulnerable to read them, let alone share them, but here they are for you.

My work in the world has always been the work of the heart and of the soul, connecting people to a deeper truth of themselves. Helping people to remember that they are connected to something wonderful and vast. Opening them up to their inner spiritual power. This book is another vehicle for that intention of my life.

May it remind you of your own heart’s strength.

Sarah x

About the Author

Sarah Negus is a spiritual mentor, author, and executive coach, guiding high level entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and high-flying startups to embody the best version of themselves - reaching seemingly impossible goals and extreme levels of growth and success. She coined the title, Modern Day Shaman® - marrying traditional shamanic practices with modern psychology and mindset methods.

Sarah guides her clients to re-shape and re-frame their inner beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors to rewrite the unconscious story they play throughout each day. Since every individual is unlike anyone else on earth, these results are not limited to any one channel - hence, this book of poetry to unearth your spiritual connection to love and inner power.

A creative and romantic to the core, she traipses through nature with her little dogs, offers hands-on healing with spiritual clients, and takes frequent trips to Ibiza. There, she soaks up the sunshine before heading back to the countryside where she lives with her son in Surrey, UK.

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Thursday, 10 February 2022

Heart of Swine by Freddy F.Fonseca


Dystopian, Humor

Publisher: Obex Publishing

A Ridiculously Realistic, Deadly Serious Comedy - With a Superhero Pig

Think you're living in an environmental dystopia?

Wait until we start thawing a frozen planet with pig farts.

That's where the story begins and it doesn't get any less wild. At once ridiculous and chilling, rising surrealist talent Freddy F. Fonseca explores the dark, porky underbelly beneath humanity's seemingly ever-more-virtuous race toward sustainability - and the genius puppet-masters who watch our feeble bamboo-straw-buying attempts and smile, while flattening another rainforest.

Oh yeah, and there's our hero. The last remaining pig on Earth just happened to be blessed with superpowers. Which he would use to avenge the extermination of his species, were he not to get tangled up in an all-too-human web of greed, lust, and indifference.

The anarchic and ambitious Heart of Swine has breath-taking scope and a wry, not totally resigned smile. It incautiously pulls away the covers to reveal how half-assed humanity's efforts to clean up after itself have been. It's funny and coarse, sure, but the writer is deadly serious. The epic failures we continue to see around the world on a personal and political level are taken to frightening lengths. And reading Heart of Swine is like a Rorschach test for one's outlook on the future - although it's hard to think, especially after finishing this book, that everything's going to be just fine.

About the Author

Freddy F. Fonseca graduated with a First Class Honours in Creative Writing and English Literature from LMU and has a MSc in Environment, Politics and Society from UCL.

The writer strives to create stories that reflect the complexity of human nature and question the unhealthy entanglement with materiality.

What pushed Freddy to write Heart of Swine is the fact that too many don’t understand their accent.

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