Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Live, Love, Repeat Series by Shaunna Gonzales

One life...
Trevor Palmer must sink or survive, quite literally. Choosing to manipulate the changing hands of his company for his own good, he relocates to the rough country of Idaho, in searching for his great great grandfather's mine.

Porsche has sworn off all men but meeting Trevor has changed her best laid plans, throwing her resolve to find the perfect man for her sister against her, stumbling head on into the ideal man for herself.

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Living to love...

Trevor Palmer must not only deal with his emotional loss but cope with being wheelchair bound. Paralyzed he must choose to move on with his life or let his misery consume him.

Mercedes has worked her to get her job as a therapist for a new age rehabilitation clinic but will her creative therapy heal Trevor or bring them both to destruction? Trevor's disability may be more in his head with his Conversion Disorder but it may be physical as well.

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Trevor Palmer is paralyzed from his mining accident but it may be in his head with his Conversion disorder.

Mercedes has worked long and hard to become a therapist for a new age rehabilitation center but will she let her feelings for her patient overshadow her life when a family catastrophe hits her family?

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Shaunna Gonzales currently resides with her family in the greater Seattle area. Married over thirty years, her role as wife and mother of four continue to be her priorities.
A storyteller in her youth, she endevored to extend her love of stories to the written word and in 2005 began to write her first novel. Though that manuscript will remain buried, she has continued to learn.
Once told by her doctors that she would never leave her wheelchair -- due to her Multiple sclerosis. It has been tucked in a closet while she continues on. (In other words muddles on.)

Shaunna has worked as a professional reviewer for InD'Tales eMagazine for three years. In 2012 she also served as the vice president of Moonwriters, the on-line chapter of American Night Writers Association (ANWA She prefers to write romantic fiction and has ventured into the romantic suspense, and time-travel genres. Her debut novel, Dark Day s of Promise was released by Desert Breeze Publishing in 2012 re-released 2015.
Although she prefers to spend her days writing, she is willing to share what she has learned from the school of life and is often found "giving back." 

Connect with the Author here: 
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Read an Excerpt

Trevor stared at the pool, envisioning himself in a 'dead man' float. He didn't deserve any better.
He retired early only to find his sleep riddled with fitful memories of Porsche. Porsche and that stupid goat. Porsche conquering her fear to ride the horse. Porsche in his arms. He settled into a deeper slumber. Porsche laughing beside him in the darkness. A scream shaking the mountain down around them. The ground sinks, taking her away, only her hand reaching for him. Panic as she slides out of reach. The panic.
 He shuttered awake, his memory intact. The cold, hard facts of what he had done bellowed at him from the darkness, bawling for him to change the past. She was his friend, she trusted him and he had led her to her death. A cold dark death. No wonder he wanted to die. He even deserved to die and suffer before doing so.

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