Chance Series, Book One
Romance, Romantic Suspense
April 2019
last memory that Alannah ‘Lanie’ Jackson has of her father is the day he went
away. Hidden away in an attic from the rest of the world, the only thing that
Alannah ‘Lanie’ Jackson can hold on to is the memory of her father and the hope
that one day he will come for her. Every day that passes, the memory of her
childhood disappears and she learns that her only purpose now is to please.
Trained to act a certain way, the day comes when she can finally be free. She
only hopes that the man who purchases her will be kinder than her current
wind had been whipping around all morning. If I hadn’t known better, I would
have thought that I was in the Arctic instead of Oregon. There wasn’t very much
that I could see through my small window, but it was big enough to see that the
bare branches of the oak tree that had died long ago were swinging in the wind.
Not many people came to visit the mansion since I began living here fourteen
years ago. But in the last six months no one came to visit at all. At first, I
thought it might have been due to the change in weather, but then Master
Winston said it was because I didn’t live up to their expectations and
therefore, I was of no interest to them. He blamed it on my inability to learn
and lack of obedience.
away from the window, I ducked my head and wandered over to my small bed, which
was nestled in the corner of the space that was my room. Pulling the covers
over my body, I tried to keep warm. The attic was very poorly insulated and the
exposed beams that held the rafters were proof. Sometimes it had gotten so cold
that I could see my breath. I found the best way to keep warm was to pull the
covers up over my head and trap the warmth of my breath beneath them. As much as I hated this room, I hated what
waited for me on the other side of the door when Master Winston came to call
even more.
my eyes, I let my mind wander. As I slowly began to fall asleep, I imagined
myself as the fairytale princess who was locked in the attic by her evil
stepfather, waiting to be rescued by a handsome prince. I knew the chance of
ever being rescued would be slim to none, but just the thought of it actually
happening was something that I would never stop hoping for. I wished that
things could be as they were when I was younger. I would give anything to be
together with my father again. So much time had passed since I’d seen him that
every day that went by, my thoughts of him were dimmer. I feared that soon I
would forget him all together. I wasn’t sure if it he would even be able to
find me. Last Chance, Oregon, was just that, and not many people came here. I
don’t think many people knew about this out-of-the-way town, at least not
anyone who cared.
me higher, Daddy, I want to go higher and fly like the birds.”
if I push you any higher you are going to fall.”
won’t, Daddy. I promise to hold on tight.”
warm wind felt so good against my skin. I loved my new swing set. It was pink
and purple and had two swings, a slide, and a Roman glider. It was the perfect
gift for my fifth birthday. I knew why my dad had put in so many hours at work.
It was so that he could buy me this swing set. Pumping my legs harder, I could
feel myself going higher and higher. It was as though I could reach the birds
above me.
go of the chain, I reached out to touch one. It was so close, but not close
enough. I felt myself falling from the swing. Instead of hitting the ground as
I should have, I was sent spiraling into a pit of fire.
the Author

Author of the Independent Press Award and NYC Big Book Award. A.L. Long is also
the recipient of the National Indie Excellence Award.
love for writing began several years ago after an early retirement from a
demanding job that I loved, but also hated because it consumed so much of my
time. Now, I am able to focus my time on what I love. Writing romance has been
a life long dream and to actually say that I am a published author is beyond
what I would have ever expected.
though some may say I have a little naughtiness in my books, I look at it as an
added bonus for my readers. After all what is a romance book without a little
I am not writing, I enjoy spending time with friends either at home or out on
the town. Mostly, I enjoy a relaxing night at home where I can enjoy a glass of
wine in the company of a good book.
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